Crosshair Commands

Crosshair console commands can be found below from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The commands in this category offer the ability to influence ans adjust size, colour, and other settings.

When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this command will set how far apart the two crosshairs move when your character model moves.
This number will allow you to adjust how much the two crosshairs will move away from one another.
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<0 / 1>
This command will determine whether your crosshair moves when taking damage or experiencing aimpunch.
0 / 1
Where you enter "1" if you want to enable crosshair recoil when hit, or enter "0" if you want to disable crosshair recoil (which is the default setting).
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<0 / 1>
This command is used to determine whether your crosshair in your sniper scope will blur out whenever you move. As you may know, you are inaccurate while moving, which will be indicated by your sniper crosshair blurring.
0 / 1
0: This command is used to not show inaccuracy when standing still, which is the default setting.
1: This command is used to not show inaccuracy while standing still, but show inaccuracy when moving.
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<Alpha Value>
Used to adjust the transparency of your crosshair.
Alpha Value
For this command, using a higher value means your crosshair is more visible, while a lower value makes it less visible. You can select a value between 0 to 255.
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<Crosshair Style>
This command is used to change the style of your crosshair, which changes general characteristics such as shapes and whether it opens when you are moving around.
Crosshair Style
0: This is the default Counter-Strike crosshair. It is a dynamic type of crosshair.
1: This is the default Counter-Strike crosshair, but it is the static type version of crosshair.
2: This is a classic static crosshair that has dynamic dots on each side of it.
3: This is a classic dynamic crosshair.
4: This is a classic static crosshair.
5: This is a classic static and dynamic crosshair.
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<0 / 1>
Inputting this command will add a dot in the center of the crosshair.
0 / 1
Use a 1 after the command this will enable a dot crosshair, adding a 0 after it will disable the dot in the command.
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<0 / 1>
This console command can be used to enable and also disable the small outline that is visible on your crosshair.
0 / 1
You can set this command to a 0 to include no black outline and 1 to enable
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This command will control the length and size of the visible 4 lines in a crosshair. When using a low value it will give your crosshair smaller lines, a larger number will give the crosshair strong long lines.
A number that will represent what size of the crosshair you want. The default value is 5.
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This console command adjusts the size of the gap in the middle of your crosshair. A smaller value means a smaller gap. The default value is 1.
The number of the size of the gap in within the crosshair.
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This console command allows you to customize the thickness of the in-game crosshair.
The numeric value that you want to decide the thickness of your crosshair. The larger the number input, the thicker the crosshair will be.
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This console command will set the color of your crosshair. The values can be set between 0 and 4.
The number of your crosshair color.
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<0 / 1>
This command lets you get rid of the top line of your crosshair, giving it a "T" shape. That's why it's called the "T crosshair CSGO." By default, it's turned off, set to "0." But if you want the "T" shape, just switch it to "1" and your crosshair will change accordingly.
0 / 1
Set 1 to enable by default, set to 0 to disable.
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Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter game, and the most important aspect of it is to shoot your enemies to death before they do it to you. As a result, aiming is arguably the most critical thing you need to focus on to succeed in Counter-Strike. This is why a good crosshair is required for you to aim better.

To become a good CS2 player, one must spend some time designing their own personal crosshair that will fit all personal taste and preferences. Console commands are the primary way for players to edit their crosshairs, as they can tweak the values to their liking.

In this article, we’ll go over a list of the most important CS2 crosshair commands, as well as educate you with the components of a crosshair so you know what to change. 

What Are The Components Of A Crosshair?

Before we get into the crosshair commands, we think it is important for our readers to understand all the different components of a crosshair. Understanding this information will allow you to have a good idea of which crosshair commands you need to use to change your crosshair.

Let’s briefly go over all the components of a crosshair:

  • Color: The crosshair color is relatively straightforward, as it determines what color your crosshair will appear in. Generally, you want to use a bright color for better visibility.
  • Thickness: The thickness determines how thick the crosshair lines are. It helps you track your eyes back to your crosshair after looking elsewhere such as the radar or kill feed.
  • Gap: The gap determines the spacing between the four lines of the crosshair. Your crosshair gap shouldn’t be too big, otherwise you won’t be able to hit headshots. 
  • Size: The crosshair length determines how long the lines of your crosshair will be. Generally, you want a crosshair with short length for increased precision. 
  • Outline: The outline is an optional feature that will draw an outline on your crosshair if enabled. This can be helpful for crosshair visibility in bright or hectic areas. 
  • Dot: The dot is an optional feature that will display a dot in the middle of your crosshair. Most players disable it since it will cover where an enemy player’s head would be. 

All Crosshair Commands CS2

Now that we have a basic grasp of the crosshair and all of its components, let’s dive right into the CS2 crosshair commands. 

In general, there aren’t too many crosshair commands in Counter-Strike, as they are based on each of the six components we discussed above. However, there are still additional commands to uncover. We’ll divide this section of the article into two.

Crosshair Component Commands

First, we’ll discuss the corresponding commands to each of the six crosshair components.

Crosshair Color Command

The command to adjust your crosshair color is: cl_crosshaircolor [Value]. As it is pretty obvious already, this command will determine what color your crosshair will be. 

You are able to set your crosshairs to various colors using the cl_crosshaircolor command:

  • cl_crosshaircolor 0: Changes your crosshair to red.
  • cl_crosshaircolor 1: Changes your crosshair to green (default).
  • cl_crosshaircolor 2: Changes your crosshair to yellow.
  • cl_crosshaircolor 3: Changes your crosshair to dark blue.
  • cl_crosshaircolor 4: Changes your crosshair to cyan.

Alternatively, you can also create your own custom color aside from the presets available in the game. You can adjust your RGB (red/green/blue) values manually to find your desired specific color. 

The RGB crosshair commands are:

  • cl_crosshaircolor_r [0 – 255]
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g [0 – 255]
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b [0 – 255]

Using specific values for each color component will help you select the precise color you are looking for. 

Crosshair Thickness Command

The command to change the thickness of your crosshair is: cl_crosshairthickness [Value]. Most players do not like using a thick crosshair as it can block off your line of sight, affecting precision.

You can select a thickness value between -20 to 20, though we do not recommend the two extremes. You want to keep the thickness values between the -3 to 3 range.

Some good examples of crosshair thicknesses include:

  • cl_crosshairthickness -2: A very thin crosshair, which has become one of the most standard thickness values used by many Counter-Strike players.
  • cl_crosshairthickness 0.5 – The default thickness value of your crosshair. The crosshair is fairly thick, but not too thick. 
  • cl_crosshairthickness 2 – A very thick crosshair. It can be useful for players who have a hard time tracking back to their crosshair after seeing other portions of the screen, but is not recommended. 

Crosshair Gap Command

You can use the crosshair gap command to manually adjust the spacing between the four lines of your crosshair using: cl_crosshairgap [Value]. It is widely accepted to not use a big gap for accuracy purposes.

You can select a crosshair gap value between -10 to 10, but we do not recommend the two extremes. You want to keep the gap values between -5 to 5. 

We highly recommend using crosshair gap values between -5 to -1, as you will almost never see a professional player using a crosshair gap with a positive value. On average most of the best players in the game use -2 or -3 for their crosshair gap values. 

Crosshair Size Command

The command to adjust the size of your crosshair is: cl_crosshairsize [Value]. Most professional players play with a low value for their crosshair length, as a large one will hinder the view and affect the overall visibility. 

You can select a crosshair size between -20 to 20, but we do not recommend the two extremes. You want to keep your crosshair size between 1 to 5. 

Some good examples of crosshair sizes include:

  • cl_crosshairsize 1: A very small crosshair. Most players might not get used to it since they might have to squint to see it, but it is perfect for players who rely on headshots.
  • cl_crosshairsize 2: The standard crosshair size. It is not too big that it blocks a large portion of the screen, but it is not too small since it remains fairly visible. 
  • cl_crosshairsize 4: A decently-large crosshair that is preferred by new/casual players. It is large enough to easily focus back your vision to it, but might be too large in certain situations that require utmost precision. 

Crosshair Outline Command

The next one we’ll talk about is the command that will determine whether your crosshair will have outlines or not: cl_crosshair_drawoutline [Value]. Some players prefer having an outline to help them identify their crosshairs faster, while others find it distracting.

There are only two versions of the outline command:

  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0: This command is used to disable crosshair outlines, meaning there will be no black outlines on your crosshair.
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1: This command is used to enable crosshair outlines, meaning there will be black outlines on your crosshair.

Generally, most players prefer disabling the crosshair outline. However, crosshair outlines can be very useful in bright areas to help you focus on it easily. 

Crosshair Dot Command

Finally, we have the command that determines whether your crosshair will have a dot or not: cl_crosshairdot [Value]. Most players agree that a crosshair dot is not very useful, since it would block the inner parts of a normal crosshair.

There are only two versions of the dot command:

  • cl_crosshairdot 0: This command will disable the crosshair dot, which is preferred by most players.
  • cl_crosshairdot 1: This command will enable the crosshair dot, which will form a dot in the middle of your crosshair. 

However, dot crosshairs exist in this game, which refers to a crosshair with no lines and only one dot. This is a great crosshair choice for players who rely on their aim to hit headshots, but is not very good for spraying. 

To create a dot crosshair, use cl_crosshairdot 1 and cl_crosshairsize 0 to remove the four lines of your crosshair. You can also put a crosshair outline on your dot crosshair if it helps. 

Other Crosshair Commands

Though the six commands discussed are the most important CS2 crosshair commands, there are a few more that might be worth noting.


This command is used to change the style of your crosshair, which changes general characteristics such as shapes and whether it opens when you are moving around. 

There are six different crosshair styles:

  • cl_crosshairstyle 0: This is the default Counter-Strike crosshair. It is a dynamic type of crosshair. 
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1: This is the default Counter-Strike crosshair, but it is the static type version of crosshair. 
  • cl_crosshairstyle 2: This is a classic static crosshair that has dynamic dots on each side of it. 
  • cl_crosshairstyle 3: This is a classic dynamic crosshair.
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4: This is a classic static crosshair. 
  • cl_crosshairstyle 5: This is a classic static and dynamic crosshair. 

Among the five styles, the most important characteristic is whether it is a static or dynamic crosshair:

  • Static: Static crosshairs ensure that your crosshair will not move and open while you are moving. The crosshair will continue to maintain its shape no matter what you are doing. 
  • Dynamic: Dynamic crosshairs allow your crosshair to open and move while you are walking or running, showing that you are inaccurate while you shoot. This is great for new players, but experienced players will know not to move while shooting. 


The next crosshair command is cl_crosshairalpha, which is used to adjust the transparency of your crosshair. 

For this command, using a higher value means your crosshair is more visible, while a lower value makes it less visible. You can select a value between 0 to 255.

  • cl_crosshairalpha 100: This is a low crosshair alpha value, meaning your crosshair is less visible than it can be. This might be useful if you want to see through your crosshair. 
  • cl_crosshairalpha 255: This will give your crosshair maximum visibility, ensuring you can easily see your crosshair again after looking at another part of your screen.

Generally, it is best to use the maximum crosshair alpha value so that your crosshair is visible. It is the most important tool for aiming, so you need to see it whenever you can. However, if you are using a big crosshair, it might be covering a large portion of the screen. Lowering your crosshair alpha value could be helpful to see through your crosshair so you don’t miss out on anything.  


The last command worth mentioning is used to determine whether your crosshair in your sniper scope will blur out whenever you move. As you may know, you are inaccurate while moving, which will be indicated by your sniper crosshair blurring.

  • cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy 0: This command is used to not show inaccuracy when standing still, which is the default setting.
  • cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy 1: This command is used to not show inaccuracy while standing still, but show inaccuracy when moving.