Bot Commands
Below is a list of bot commands that can be used in CS:GO. This category has all the commands that allow leverage over bots in Counter-Strike 2. Great examples include how you can make them remain spawn and change the level of difficulty.
If you are looking for a full list of all the existing CS:GO bot commands, you will find them on this page. We have compiled them all in one single place, so you can customize the settings of your bots for all of your matches, be it on your private server or offline.
Below, you will find more information about all the bot commands you can use in CS:GO, so you can customize your gameplay experience according to your goals and likes.
All the CS:GO Bot Commands Available in the Game
Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all existing CS:GO bot commands. Whether you’re looking to add bots, eliminate them, or achieve any other desired outcome with the CS:GO bots, this list provides you with the necessary resources to do so.
CSGO Add Bot Command
If you want to add bots to your CS:GO match, you can use the following commands:
- bot_add: Adds a new bot to your team
- bot_add easy: Adds an easy bot to your team
- bot_add normal: Adds a normal bot to your team
- bot_add hard: Adds a hard bot to your team
- bot_add expert: Adds an expert bot to your team
- bot_add CT: Adds a new bot to the CT team
- bot_add CT easy: Adds an easy bot to the Counter-Terrorist team
- bot_add CT normal: Adds a normal bot to the Counter-Terrorist team
- bot_add CT hard: Adds a hard bot to the Counter-Terrorist team
- bot_add CT expert: Adds an expert bot to the Counter-Terrorist team
- bot_add T: Adds a new bot to the Terrorist team
- bot_add T easy: Adds an easy bot to the Terrorist team
- bot_add T normal: Adds a normal bot to the Terrorist team
- bot_add T hard: Adds a hard bot to the Terrorist team
- bot_add T expert: Adds an expert bot to the Terrorist team
- bot_join_team: You can use this command to decide to what team bots will join when using the command “bot_add” without an extra argument
- bot_place: You can use this command to add a bot specifically in front of you, you can use it without any argument, simply input it and it will execute
You can also add a name to each bot you add to the match. For example, if you want to add an easy bot named “Don” to the CT team, you simply add it to the end of the command, resulting in the following: bot_add CT easy Don.
You can also combine different add bot commands in one single line when entering them via console. For example, if you want to add bots and instruct them to only join the CTs, you can do it this way: bot_join_team CT; bot_add. Immediately, a new bot will join the CTs, and if you want to add more, now you can simply input “bot_add” and more bots will join the CT team.
Now you can add bots to your CS:GO match the way you wish to. Be it only adding bots to the CTs or Ts, add a specific number of bots to each team or define the difficulty level for each new bot you add to the game, now it’s all possible thanks to our list of all the CS:GO bot commands.
Next, let’s jump onto the next list of CS:GO bot commands you can use, so you can learn how to kick bots from your game whenever you wish to.
Bot Kick Command CSGO
If you want to kick bots from your CS:GO match, you can use the following commands:
- bot_kick all: It will kick all the bots from the match automatically
- bot_kick T: It will kick all the bots from the Terrorist team
- bot_kick CT: It will kick all the bots from the CT team
- bot_kick easy: It will kick all the easy bots from the match
- bot_kick normal: It will kick all the normal bots from the match
- bot_kick hard: It will kick all the hard bots from the match
- bot_kick expert: It will kick all the expert bots from the match
- bot_kick “name”: It will kick the specified bot (for example, if you use “Bob” as the argument, it will kick the “Bob” bot from the match)
Because you’re who calls the shots, now you can kick all the bots that are not performing as you wish to deliver your preferred gameplay experience. Remember you can use these commands without restrictions as long as you have admin rights.
You can also use these commands in conjunction with the CS:GO add bot commands. For example, you can use the following combination via console:
[bot_kick Bob; bot_kick Mark; bot_add ct easy; bot_add t easy]
Automatically, it will kick the bots named “Bob” and “Mark, and will place a new easy bot for the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists.
Now that you have access to all the bot add and bot kick commands, you can use them in many different ways, to fully customize your gameplay experience for fun and practice.
How to Kill All Bots in CS GO
If you want to kill one or all the bots in your CS:GO match, you can use the following commands:
- bot_kill: Allows you to kill all bots on your server or specified bots individually
- ent_kill: Allows you to kill bots and other entities in CS:GO
The bot_kill command is highly versatile, and if you wish to use it to kill all the bots in CS GO, you need to input it directly without any argument, just like a cvar client, and it will kill them all. Remember, this bot requires you to enable sv_cheats, as it’s considered a cheat-protected command.
You can accomplish the same with the ent_kill command, in case all the bots are in the opposing team. For example, if you’re a CT and all the Ts are bots, you can input the command like this: ent_kill @enemy. Simply input it via console and it will kill all your enemies, which for the purpose of this example, are bots. The same would happen if you were a T and the CTs were bots, using this command would kill them instantly.
It’s important to mention none of these commands will kick or ban all the bots, they will simply kill them all instantly. If you wish to kill and kick a bot, you can use the commands from this list in conjunction with the commands from the previous list.
Now you know how you can kill them all bots in CS:GO instantly, all by launching the console and inputting any of the commands from this list.
The following list will introduce you to the commands you can use to equip bots in the game with weapons, so you can further customize your gameplay experience.
Bot Weapon Commands in CS:GO
If you want to equip the bots in your CS:GO match with specific weapons, you can use the following commands:
- bot_all_weapons: When using this command, bots will be able to use any weapon
- bot_snipers_only: This command will force bots to only use AWP
- bot_sub_machine_guns_only: This command will force bots to only use SMGs
- bot_grenades_only: This command will force bots to only use grenades
- bot_pistols_only: This command will force bots to only use pistols
- bot_shotguns_only: This command will force bots to only use shotguns
- bot_knives_only: This command will force bots to only use knives
- bot_machine_guns_only: This command will force bots to only use machine gun
- bot_rifles_only: This command will force bots to only use rifles
- bot_rogues_only: This command will force bots to only use rogues
- bot_allow_grenades: Enables or disables bots’ ability to use grenades. “1” enables grenade usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_machine_guns: Enables or disables bots’ usage of machine guns. “1” enables machine gun usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_pistols: Enables or disables bots’ access to pistols. “1” enables pistol usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_rifles: Enables or disables bots’ ability to use rifles. “1” enables rifle usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_sub_machine_guns: Enables or disables bots’ usage of sub-machine guns. “1” enables sub-machine gun usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_snipers: Enables or disables bots’ access to sniper rifles. “1” enables AWP usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_shotguns: Enables or disables bots’ ability to use shotguns. “1” enables shotgun usage for bots, while “0” disables it
- bot_allow_rogues: Enables or disables bots’ usage of rogue weapons. “1” enables rogue weapon usage for bots, while “0” disables.
As you can see, it’s very easy to fine tune every single setting in this department, to specifically select the weapons your bots can use in CS:GO, all by using our commands and inputting them via console.
More Bot CS:GO Commands
If you want to further customize your gameplay experience, you can use the following bot CS:GO commands, and here you have the full list:
- bot_dont_shoot: Prevents bots from using their weapons, so you can play without them causing damage to other players or bots
- player_botdiflast_s: You can use this command to determine the difficulty level of the last standing bot. By default, it’s set at 2, but you can use 0, 1, 2 or 3 as the arguments, making the last standing bot adopt your established difficulty level
- bot_stop: Instantly freezes bots, even while in motion, this command requires you to activate sv_cheats, and you can turn it on and off by using “1” and “0” as the arguments
- bot_crouch: Makes all bots crouch in place, you can activate it by using “1” as the argument, and “0” in order to deactivate this function
- mp_respawn_on_death_ct: Enables CT bots to respawn automatically after death
- mp_respawn_on_death_t: Enables Terrorist bots to respawn after death
- bot_mimic 1: Bots mimic your movements, if you want to disable it, simply set it to “0”
- mp_autoteambalance: Disables automatic bot team balancing
- bot_place: Creates a bot at the point where you aim your weapon
- bot_quota: Sets the maximum number of bots on the server
- bot_quota_mode: You can use this command to determine if the number of bots should match the bot_quota configuration, if it should match the ratio of human-to-bots, or if it should stay “normal”
- bot_randombuy: Changes how bots buy weapons, making them purchase random weapons
- mp_free_armor 1: Gives a kevlar to all bots whenever they respawn in the game
- mp_free_armor 2: Gives kevlar and helmets to all bots
- mp_limitteams: You can use this command to prevent kicked bots from rejoining the game
- bot_loadout: It allows you to specify what types of bots you want to add to the match, for example bots who only use AWP or grenades.
- bot_chatter: You can use this command to define how the bots will interact in the game, be it via radio, normal, minimal or no contact at all
- bot_show_battlefront: You can use this command to see the points where the bots from both teams will rush and encounter each other first
- cv_bot_ai_bt_moveto_show_next_hiding_spot: This command allows you to see what is the next hiding spot a bot will check. You can activate this feature by using “1” as the argument, and “0” to deactivate it
- bot_defer_to_human_goals: You can use this command to allow or not allow bots to complete scenario tasks
- bot_defer_to_human_items: You can use this command to allow or not allow bots to take scenario items
- bot_goto_mark: You can use this command to instruct a bot to go to a marked navigation area
- bot_goto_selected: This command will allow you to instruct a bot to go to a currently selected navigation area
- bot_join_after_player: You can use this command to only allow bots to join the game once you or another alive player has joined it
- bot_max_vision_distance_override: You can use this command to manipulate the max distance from which bots can see you
- bot_show_nav: You can use this command to display the navigation mesh of bots
- bot_show_occupy_time: You can use this command to see the area that CT or T bots can reach first
- mp_humanteam: You can use this command to restrict bots and alive players to a specific team. For example, only real players can join the Ts, whereas bots can only join the CTs
- bot_zombie: You can use this command to make bots stay idle, which means they won’t attack other bots or players, while still allowing them to wander around
- bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance: You can use this command to set the maximum distance from which bors can see enemies in missions
- bot_ignore_players: You can use this command if you want bots to ignore players, simply set it to “1” to activate this function and “0” to disable it
- bot_ignore_enemies: You can use this command to make bots ignore enemies. “1” enables, “0” disables
- sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty: You can use this command to allow the game to automatically adjust the difficulty of bots, be it easy, normal, hard or expert
- sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight: Sets the chance of bots buying decoy grenades. Higher weight increases the chance
- sv_bot_buy_flash_weight: Sets the chance of bots buying flashbang grenades. Higher weight increases the chance
- sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance: Sets the percentage chance of bots buying any grenade
- sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight: Sets the chance of bots buying HE grenades
- sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight: Sets the chance of bots buying molotov grenades
- sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight: Sets the chance of bots buying smoke grenades.
- mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout: Forces bots to collect hostages after a certain time
- sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round: Forces bots to rebuy items every round. “1” enables rebuying, “0” disables it
- mp_autoteambalance: You can use this command to whether allow bots to auto balance or not
Now you can make use of all the extra commands available for bots in CS:GO, so you can take your gameplay experience to the next level.
Remember, some of these are cheat-protected commands, and hence you need to activate the usage of cheat commands first. The following section includes a tutorial on how to do it, so we invite you to check it out so you can use this list of CS:GO bot commands without problems.
How to Use CS:GO Bot Commands
Now that you have our full list of CSGO bot commands, here is how you can use them via console:
- Press the “~” key to launch the developer console
- Input the bot command you want to use
- Use the corresponding argument for it
- Press enter
- The bot command for CS:GO will execute automatically
For example, if you want to kill all bots, you only need to press “~” to launch the console, type in bot_kill without any argument and press enter. Automatically it will kill all the bots in the game.
Likewise, if you want to make the bots behave like zombies, just press the “~” key, type in the command bot_zombie, use “1” as the argument and press enter. Now all the bots, be it CTs or Ts, will behave like zombies, just wandering around without attacking players or bots.
You have full access to our list, so you can explore it and select the right bot command depending on how you want to configure your game.
Take into account you need to be the admin of the game to use and execute bot commands, otherwise they won’t work.
Enabling the Developer Console to Use CS:GO Commands
Evidently, you need access to the developer console to launch CS:GO bot commands. In case you haven’t activated it yet, here’s how you can do it:
- Launch CS:GO
- Go to game settings
- Find “Enable Developer Console” and set it to “Yes”
- Launch the developer console by clicking the “~” key
- Now you can use all the bot commands you want
Now you will be able to execute the vast majority of CS:GO bot commands such as the CSGO add bot command. However, if you want to use cheat-protected commands, you will need to set sv_cheats to “1”, and the following tutorial will show you how.
Enabling sv_cheats To Use Bot CS:GO Cheat Commands
If you want to play around with the most extreme and fun bot commands in CS:GO, you need to activate sv_cheats, and here’s how you can do it:
- Launch the developer console by clicking “~”
- Input the sv_cheats 1 command
- Press enter
- Now you can use even more CS:GO bot commands, because now you can execute the cheat-protected ones without restrictions
Now you will be able to use all the cheat-protected bot commands in CS:GO without restrictions, so you can further customize your server and the gameplay experience it offers.
How to Permanently Integrate CS:GO Bot Commands in the Game
If you already know the type of gameplay experience you want to design by using the bot commands on this page, you can integrate them permanently in the game, instead of having to enter them manually every time you want to play.
Here’s how you can accomplish this in easy steps:
- Navigate to the folder where the config file will be created. You can find this folder path by going to “E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg”
- Look for the autoexec.cfg file in the cfg folder. If you cannot find it, you can create one using your favorite text editor such as Notepad
- Once you have the autoexec.cfg file, open it using Notepad or any text editor of your choice, so you can add your favorite CS:GO bot commands
- In the autoexec.cfg file, you can add any CS:GO bot commands you want to be executed when you start the game. We recommend you to make a list of the commands with their respective commands in a separate text file, so you can simply copy and paste them into the configuration file
- After adding your commands, save the autoexec.cfg file
- Finally, when you launch CS:GO, open the developer console by pressing the “~” key. Then, type “exec autoexec.cfg” and press Enter. This will execute all of the bot commands you added to the file automatically
This simple hack will save you plenty of time, as you will be able to execute all of your favorite bot commands easily, instead of having to enter them every time you launch CS:GO.
If you would like to explore different examples on how the CS:GO bot commands from our list are implemented, below you will find all the information you need.
Examples On How to Use the CS:GO Bot Commands
Let’s explore different examples on how you can use the bot commands from our list in CS:GO, so you can start implementing them to customize your gameplay experience.
How to Solve CSGO Bots Not Moving with Bot_Stop Command
If you are facing this issue and it seems like nothing will solve it, you can get the bots moving again by using the bot_stop command and assigning “0” as the argument, resulting in the following: bot_stop 0. Automatically, the bots will start moving again, as the stop function has been deactivated by using “0” (false) as the argument.
How to Set Bot Difficulty CSGO
If you want to set bot difficulty CSGO to further customize the game experience, you can use the command bot_difficulty. You can use four different arguments – 0, 1, 2 or 3 – which are easy, normal, hard and expert respectively. Upon entering this command, the bots will automatically match the specified level of difficulty.
If you don’t have to leave this setting fixed in stone, you can go ahead and use the sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty command instead. Simply set it to “1” to activate it, and it will automatically adjust the bot difficulty based on the player performance.
How to Command Bots Off in CS:GO
If you are wondering how do you command off bots in CS:GO, you can do it by using the following commands: mp_limitteams 1; mp_autoteambalance 0; bot_kick. Simply copy and paste this line of code into the console and press enter, and it will automatically command bots off in CS:GO.