Donk CS2 Settings: Full Config & Crosshair
Danil “Donk” Kryshkovets is a professional Counter-Strike player and the new talk of the town. The teenager made a name for himself dominating online tournaments while playing under Team Spirit Academy. It didn’t take long for the organization to promote him to the main roster, and he has been demolishing Tier 1 teams since. He is so good that many professional players are changing their settings to follow Donk. So, it wouldn’t be unnatural for casual players like us to copy his settings too. Here are all of Donk’s Counter-Strike settings!
TeamTeam Spirit
BirthdayDecember 25, 2007
Danil “Donk” Kryshkovets is a professional Counter-Strike player and the new talk of the town. The teenager made a name for himself dominating online tournaments while playing under Team Spirit Academy.
Like many other professionals, donk is using the Logitech G Pro X Superlight, a very common mouse choice. Here are all the mouse settings he is using along with his Logitech gear:
Effective DPI (eDPI)1000
Zoom Sensitivity1
Windows Sensitivity6
Donk is using a mouse DPI of 800, and an in-game sensitivity of 1.25. This totals his effective DPI to 1000, which is relatively high considering he is a rifler. Most AWPers would play with 1000 eDPI or more, while players like NiKo, who plays a similar role as Donk, prefers lower mouse sensitivity. However, the prodigy chooses to play on a high sensitivity. -
Even though he is always the first one running into a bomb site, donk is almost always good for two frags, which could be credited to his crosshair. Here is the crosshair Donk is using:
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Sniper Width0
Like other young players in the new generation of Counter-Strike professionals, donk is using a very tiny crosshair. It is colored green, has minimal crosshair gap and features a thickness of 1.5. Since Donk is still a teenager, his vision is still at its peak, allowing him to play with such a small crosshair.Crosshair CodeCSGO-zPOJq-pk7Y5-mBqaU-ZunXT-Xh5BO -
The viewmodel is another important aspect for fragging out on the server, as it affects what you see on your screen. If you don’t know much about viewmodel settings, just try donk’s:
Offset X2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z1-5
We can say that Donk’s viewmodel is commonly used and is a safe one to copy. Use the following commands to apply his viewmodel.Donk View Model Configviewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2; -
If you want your screen to look exactly like Donk’s, you’ll have to copy all of his video settings.
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
The resolution and aspect ratio are arguably the most important video settings to copy. Here are the ones Donk uses. -
If you also want to try Donk’s graphics settings, here is a table showcasing everything you need.
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
Wait for Vertical SyncEnabled
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode8x MSAA
Global Shadow QualityHigh
Model / Texture DetailMedium
Texture Filtering ModeTrilinear
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionDisabled
High Dynamic RangeMedium
FidelityFX Super ResolutionQuality
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyDisabled (Highest Quality)
Overall, donk has chosen to tone down almost all of his advanced video settings to get as much performance as possible. At the highest level, you will need every frame you can get. The only option set to high is the Global Shadow Quality, as seeing an enemy player’s shadow can significantly assist Donk in a gunfight. -
Finally, we’ll quickly review Donk’s radar settings, as gathering and passing on information is crucial in a team-oriented game like Counter-Strike.
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size1
Model / Texture DetailMedium
Radar Map Zoom0.7
Donk has pretty much set his radar settings close to the default options. He prefers a radar that centers on him and rotates around him. His minimap zoom is set to 0.7, which is relatively high, though. -