
How to BHop in CS2: The Ultimate Guide

How to BHop in CS2: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re at all familiar with the Counter-Strike game – whether you played Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, or you’re starting out in the world of CS2, then you may have heard of the term BHopping… but what exactly is it? Why would you want to do it – and, more importantly, how do you do it? Here, we’re going to look at everything you know about BHopping in Counter-Strike 2.

About Bunny Hopping

Bunny hopping, often referred to by regular players as ‘BHopping’, is a very popular movement technique that is used in a number of different first-person shooter games, but it is most linked with Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). 

If you manage to master this skill, it really can give you a competitive edge over your enemies by improving your in-game movement, giving you better speed, and simply giving a boost to your overall gameplay. It’s not even that difficult if you know what you’re doing…  which is why we have compiled a guide to bunny hopping – from the basics to advanced techniques – and how you can use it to help you play like a pro.

What is BHopping?

First, let’s look at what it actually is. Well, bunny hopping is basically a movement technique you can learn to help you maintain – or even gain speed by continuing to jump while strafing (moving side-to-side) at the same time, but in a fluid and controlled manner. BHopping essentially works by making the most of the game’s movement mechanics, where, if you know exactly what you’re doing, you can maintain your momentum between jumps. This can make it extremely difficult for your enemies to try to predict where you’re going – and thus hit you with a direct shot. 

In CS2, just like in CS:GO, if you manage to get to grips with bunny hopping, it can help you move around the map faster, dodge bullets, and even help you to get the best positions even more efficiently. However, you need perfect precision with your timing, quick reflexes, and excellent hand-eye coordination. This is very much a skill that will take you some time to master, but if you can, it’s well worth it. 

Why Do You Need to BHop?

If it takes so long to learn – and is so difficult to do, why bother? Well, as touched on above, there are lots of advantages to being able to BHop in Counter-Strike 2, especially if you’re a player looking to optimize your movement and give yourself the best chance of not getting shot by your enemies. 

So, with that being said, here are just some reasons why learning to BHop is so important:

  1. Need for Speed: BHopping actually lets you move faster than when you’re just running or walking. If you time it right, you can work your way around the map even more quickly – which can help you get where you want to be quicker.
  2. Makes You Unpredictable: If you keep jumping and strafing, you’ll basically become a much harder target for your opponents to hit. It can confuse your enemies and make it difficult for them to hit you with their best shot – especially if you’re in the middle of a firefight.
  3. Better Map Control: When you’re playing on a bigger map, speed is everything. BHopping means you’ll be able to get around faster between bomb sites, flanks, or defensive positions and give you better control over your surroundings.
  4. Keeping Up Momentum: CS2 is a game about momentum – and if you can BHop, you’ll be able to maintain your momentum without slowing down, unlike when you have to make a sudden stop or turn around when you’re walking or running.
  5. Surprise Your Opponents: You can also use Bunny Hops to surprise your opponent. So, for example, if you’re playing a competitive match, you can get over to the bomb sites quicker than your opponents were expecting and possibly catch them off-guard.

How BHopping Can Improve Your Game

If you do have the time and the inclination, mastering bunny hopping can have a huge impact on your overall game.

With the better mobility it gives you, you’ll be able to put yourself in better spots even more efficiently. Whether it’s getting up to a high-ground vantage point or rotating to help out your teammates, BHopping will let you do everything faster and smarter.

It also helps when you’re in combat – because standing still or doing predictable movements like running forward in a straight line will make you an easy target. If you can BHop, you can be less predictable – which will make you a lot harder to hit and hopefully help you stay alive to the end of the game.

BHopping is also great if you want to rotate between different objectives or areas of the map. Whether you want to defend your bomb site or simply want to outwit and outplay your opponents, if you can move quickly around the map, it can be a game changer. 

It’s also worth remembering that learning to BHop takes practice and discipline – and as you work on it, not only will you improve your BHopping, but you will also find that your reflexes, timing, and your whole control over your character’s movement will also see a huge improvement. So, you’ll end up as an even better play all-round.

Finally, BHopping is a great way to explore and understand your map terrain in much more depth – and you’ll start noticing the smaller details, like which surfaces are better for jumps, or where you can exploit the map to get an edge – which can be a huge advantage.

Overall, learning to BHop simply makes you a better player and gives you and your team more chance of winning!

Other Skills That BHopping Helps You With

While it’s essentially a movement skill, it can have an impact on various other aspects of your gameplay – and these are just some of the other CS skills that you may well notice an improvement on as you master BHopping:

Strafing and Counter-Strafing

BHopping is all about side-to-side strafing, which is also important for other important movement skills like counter-strafing, which can help you stop your movement straight away so you can shoot more accurately. 


Learning to B Hop also helps to train your muscle memory and reflexes – which will help you to become even more comfortable when you have to make split-second adjustments to your aim. If you’re constantly moving around unpredictably, you’ll need to be able to quickly flick between targets and still land accurate shots.

Better Game Sense

As you practise it, you’ll start to see how your map control and movement can have a huge impact on the overall flow of the game – which means you’ll have better game sense, as you’ll have a better idea of when and where to rotate, take fights, or retreat.

Timing and Coordination

BHopping is all about timing and the perfect synchronization between pressing jump and strafing keys. If you keep practising, it will naturally help with your overall hand-eye coordination – which will have a positive impact on practically all other areas of your game.

How to BHop in CS2: Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to be a better player? Well, learning to bunny hop effectively needs you to have just the right combination of perfect timing, good rhythm, and a solid understanding of in-game movement mechanics. 

So, with that being said – let’s get to the basics on how to BHop:

1: Find Your Jump Key: Your jump key is set to the space bar as a default. However, you might find that it’s easier to BHop if you bind jump to the mouse wheel scroll. This will help you to improve your timing as you can quickly spam the jump command with the scroll wheel.

2:How to bind jump to scroll wheel: Open the console with the tilde (~) key and type in either: bind mwheeldown +jump or bind mwheelup +jump.

3: Start with Basic Strafing: You need to start with a basic strafing jump. Move forward (holding down the W key), and when you jump, let go of the W key while holding down the A (for a left strafe) or D (for a right strafe). Make sure you move your mouse in the same direction as your strafe so that you can start building up momentum.

4: Timing Your Jumps: The key to B Hopping is jumping at the exact time you hit the ground. If you mistime your jumps, you’ll reset your speed – which goes against what you’re aiming to do with it. You need to keep practising finding that exact moment to jump by, either carefully watching your character’s feet or listening out for the sound of it landing.

5: Alternate Between Strafes: When you jump, you’ll need to alternate between holding down A and D while moving your mouse in the same direction – which is how you can maintain – or even increase your speed.

6: Don’t Slow Down!: One of the biggest issues you’ll face when learning to BHop is making sure you don’t slow down. If you make too sharp a turn or jump at the wrong time, your character will slow down. You need smooth and gentle mouse movements – and to keep a steady rhythm when you jump.

7: Practice in Offline Mode: With BHopping, practice makes perfect. Start practising in either offline modes or custom servers so you can focus on your movements without any distractions. You could even think about using a special BHop training map to sharpen those skills.

BHop Jump Bind and Techniques

One of the best ways to master bunny hopping is to bind jumping to your mouse scroll wheel – as it will make it easier for you to perform repeated jumps – improve your timing, and be more consistent. The default spacebar is OK – but using the scroll wheel for jumping makes it a lot easier, as you can keep on scrolling as you land your jumps.

Let’s look at how to change the jump bind:

  1. Enable the Developer Console:
    • Open up the Settings.
    • Click on the search icon and enter ‘console’.
    • Then, enable the developer console by setting it to Yes.
  2. Bind Your Mouse Scroll Wheel:
    • You can then open the console by pressing the tilde key ~.
    • Copy and paste the following commands into the console:
    • bind mwheeldown +jump

bind mwheelup +jump

bind space +jump

This lets you jump using both your spacebar and your mousewheel.

Avoiding Accidental Jumps

The only problem you might have when using the mouse wheel is that you might sometimes jump by accident when you don’t mean to. If this happens regularly, you might want to try BHopping using just your spacebar instead. It does take a bit more effort, but with a bit of practice, it’s definitely doable.

Ultimately, the secret of success when it comes to BHopping lies in the timing – and making sure the settings work best for you, whether it’s a spacebar or mousewheel. You need to press on the jump button right as you land and build up your speed every time you hop. It all comes with practice, so be patient and keep on trying!

Track Your Progress

As soon as you’ve set your jump bind to whatever you prefer and understand the basic mechanics of how it works, you just need to practise. So, you can either join an offline server or a custom map and get working on your bunny hopping skills.

To see if your practice is working, you need to track your speed  – which you can do using the following console commands:

  • Enable Cheats:
  • sv_cheats 1
  • Show Position and Velocity:
  • cl_showpos 1

By entering this command, you’ll start seeing data in the top-left corner of your screen, which will include your current velocity (which is labelled “vel”). When you’re running with your knife out, your velocity will automatically be capped at 250 units, but if you BHop and strafe, you can start going faster.

Your goal is to watch that “vel” number. If you’re BHopping and strafing right, you’ll hopefully see that your velocity will start to go over 250 after your second jump. The higher this number, the faster you’re moving – showing that you’re doing it right.

Strafing for Max Speed

Strafing is hugely important when it comes to bunny hopping, as it is what helps you to break through those standard movement speed limits. Here’s how to do it right…:

  • Move at an Angle: When you’re BHopping, you need to move slightly angled rather than just straight ahead, as this is what helps you to keep the best control and speed.
  • Synchronize Your Mouse and Keyboard Movements: When pressing A, you need to move your mouse left; when pressing D, move it right. Syncing this exactly right will help you maintain speed and help you to make those quick adjustments. Look slightly in the direction you’re strafing, but not too far. To keep building up your speed, you’ll need to constantly switch between left and right strafes – but the good news is that, with practice, it will become second nature… and your bunny hopping will become smoother, faster – and awesome.

Our Top Tips for BHopping Success

Want some top BHopping tips? Then here are some of our best…

  1. Practice on Custom Maps: There are specialized custom bunny hopping maps that have been designed specifically to help you practise. It’s a good idea to use these maps so that you can focus solely on movement without any distractions.
  2. Master the Timing: It’s all in the timing. Jumping too early or too late can slow you down. So, practise landing those jumps perfectly.
  3. Small Movements equals Big Results: Strafing is all about small, precise mouse movements. Don’t do large, sweeping motions, as you’ll end up losing control.
  4. Be Consistent: Like any skill, it takes time to master. Set time aside to practise regularly. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

How Pro Players Use BHopping

Indeed, successful Bunny Hopping a skill that pro players use strategically to get an advantage over their competitors. Although you won’t often see BHopping used throughout an entire match, there are some situations in which pros use it for maximum impact:

  1. Dodging Shots: Pros generally use BHopping in duels as it makes them harder to hit. They combine quick, unpredictable hops with pitch perfect strafing so that they can dodge bullets and confuse their enemy.
  2. Getting Speedy: If a pro needs to rotate quickly between bomb sites, you’ll often see them using BHopping to speed around – without making any unnecessary noise or wasting time.
  3. Silent Movement: BHopping is sometimes also used to move quietly – depending on the terrain and map they’re playing on. This means that they can get around the map without giving away their position.
  4. Jump Spots: Pros also sometimes use BHopping to reach jump spots quickly and get a positional advantage over the enemy. It could be ledges, rooftops, or other high-up areas that give them a better overview of what’s happening.
  5. Baiting Opponents: Finally, pro players sometimes BHop around corners to try and bait shots from their enemies – meaning they’ll have to either reload – or reveal their positions.

So, hopefully, you know everything there is to know about BHopping in the world of CS2 – how it works, why it works – and how to use it like a pro! So, learn the basic BHop commands, get practicing Bunny Hopping on one of the custom maps, start incorporating it into your gameplay, and, with patience and practice, you’ll be BHopping like a master!



Is Bunny Hopping allowed in competitive CS2 matches?

Yes it is. The Bunny Hop technique a perfectly legitimate movement technique that is used by top players. However, some servers or custom matches may limit or even disable BHopping depending on the specific rules or mods.

Is bunny hopping hard to learn?

BHopping can be tricky for new players because it’s all about timing and rhythm. However, with plenty of practice, most people can master the basics and keep getting better.

Can I BHop with default controls?

Yes, you can initiate Bunny Hopping with default controls, but most players find it easier if they bind jump to the mouse scroll wheel rather than the default spacebar for more consistency. The scroll wheel makes it easier to jump more quickly – which is important when it comes to maintaining momentum.

Does BHopping give me an advantage?

Yes, there are lots of advantages that come with BHopping  – faster movement, harder-to-hit, and better positioning. However, it is no guarantee of success, so you’ll need to use it along with other skills – like aiming and strategy

How do I enable auto bunny hopping?

For automatic bunny hopping, you need to enter the Bunny Hop command sv_autobunnyhopping 1 into the developer console.

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