Legendary Eagle CS2CSGO Rank Badge
Legendary Eagle CS2CSGO Rank Badge
Legendary Eagle CS2CSGO Rank Badge

Legendary Eagle

See below for information on the Legendary Eagle CSGO rank, including the percentage of players situated in the division and more.
Legendary Eagle CS2CSGO Rank Badge

Legendary Eagle Rank In CS2

Find out everything you need to know about the Global Elite Rank in CS2. This includes percentages and much more.

Legendary Eagle (also known as LE) is the fourth-highest rank when it comes to competitive play. It is between the Distinguished Master Guardian and the Legendary Eagle Master.

Is Legendary Eagle A Good Rank?

Legendary Eagle is seen as one of the first elite ranks within CS. Players at this level genuinely have good aim, a great level of skill and a great knowledge of how the game works and plays.

Where Does Legendary Eagle Put Me?

Being placed within Legendary Eagle places you in the top 10% percent of players and can be seen as being much better than most players. Playing at LE you are well on your way to reaching Global Elite and are a seasoned CSGO/CS2 player.

How To Improve From Legendary Eagle?

Players at Legendary Eagle have usually mastered aiming and spray patterns.

To progress from this rank it’s recommended that you take the time you ensure you are utilizing utilities such as smokes and molotoves and to learn all the best-nade lineups.

If you obtain this rank its is highly likely that you have a very deep understanding of the game and its mechanics. Many players will never reach this high level of play.

More Information

Legendary Eagle CS2CSGO Rank Badge
    15 / 18 Ranks
    Gold Eagle