This command basically adjusts the multiplier for bullet damage that is inflicted on friendly teammates. The standard damage inflicted by bullets is multiplied by this value. So, for example, if the multiplier is set to 0.5 and a bullet would have dealt 20 damage, it will now deal only 10 damage in friendly fire situations. Setting the multiplier to 0 renders bullets harmless to friendly teammates. However, be aware that this command applies only when friendly fire is enabled.
Where Multiplier the multiplier is for friendly damage. If set to 1, the damage would be the same to friendly teammates as it would be to hostile. If it is set to 0, there would be 0 damage done by bullets to friendly teammates. However, if set to 0.5, the bullets would do half the damage.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

ff_damage_reduction_bullets Command Help & Examples

  • ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0

This command sets the damage reduction multiplier to 0, which means that bullets from friendly fire cause no damage.

  • ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.25

This command sets the damage reduction multiplier to 0.25, which means that bullets from friendly fire inflict 25% of the normal damage.

  • ff_damage_reduction_bullets 1

This command sets the damage reduction multiplier for friendly fire to 1, meaning that friendly fire causes the same amount of damage as normal fire.

Related Counter Strike Commands

Here are some of the other commands you may be interested in related to the CSGO reduced multiplier for bullet damage…

  • ff_damage_bullet_penetration

Command: This command adjusts the multiplier for bullet penetration in friendly fire scenarios. The default value is 0. Setting it to the maximum value of 1 will result in bullets having no penetration power.

  • ff_damage_reduction_grenade

Command: This command adjusts the multiplier for grenade damage caused by friendly fire. When set to 1, the damage remains the same, while setting it to 0 nullifies damage from grenades thrown by teammates. Note that this command only affects friendly fire scenarios.

  • ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self

Command: This command adjusts the multiplier for grenade damage caused by grenades thrown by yourself in friendly fire scenarios. Note that this command only affects friendly fire scenarios.

  • ff_damage_reduction_other

Command: This command adjusts the multiplier for friendly fire damage inflicted on teammates from sources other than bullets and grenades. Note that this command only applies when friendly fire is enabled.

  • game_mode

Command: This command, when used in conjunction with the game_type command, allows you to change the type of game being played (e.g., casual, deathmatch).

  • game_type

Command: This command, when used with the game_mode command, enables you to switch between different game modes (e.g., arms race, competitive games).

  • give

Command: This command provides you with the item corresponding to the specified item code.

  • mp_ignore_round_win_conditions

Command: This command enables or disables round win conditions. When disabled (ignored), typical conditions that end a round (e.g., bomb detonation, team elimination) will not end the round, allowing it to continue indefinitely until manually concluded. By default, this command is disabled – so win conditions aren’t ignored.

Reduced Multiplier XP

Another reduction you may be interested in is the amount of XP earned…

After the conclusion of all competitive matches, experience points (XP) will be distributed accordingly. However, if you leave a competitive game prematurely, it will result in no experience points being awarded. The experience meter will be displayed at the bottom of the scoreboard at the end of the round, featuring the following bars: Current XP (dark blue), Earned XP and Weekly XP Bonus (green), and Mission XP (dark yellow).

Underneath each XP bar, there will be small text indicating its type and calculation method, presented against a background of the corresponding color. In the event of a player ranking up, an additional text reading “Rank Up” with a purple background will appear after all other text elements.

Earned XP

The amount of XP a player gets at the end of a game is determined by their performance during the match, factored through the multiplier specific to the game mode. With the exception of competitive matchmaking games, this multiplier is based on the player’s score. In competitive mode, the multiplier is based on the rounds won by the player. Moreover, the multiplier is always rounded down to the nearest decimal. In casual mode, the maximum amount of experience points attainable is capped at 1,000.

Game mode: XP multiplier

Arms Race: 1.0 * score

Casual: 4.0 * score

Competitive and Premier: 30 * rounds won

Deathmatch (Classic): 0.2 * score

Deathmatch (Team vs Team): 3 * individual score

Demolition: 2.5 * score

Flying Scotsman: 4.0 * score

Wingman: 15 * rounds won

Weekly XP Bonuses

You’ll also receive a “Bonus XP” that resets on a weekly basis. This weekly bonus comprises 5000 XP, and once it’s used up, you won’t receive it until the next weekly reset. Additionally, if you play extensively each week, you’ll observe that your XP multipliers gradually decrease with each match until you reach 11167 XP.

XP Penalties

If players accumulate too much XP within a week, their XP multiplier will be reduced – significantly decreasing the XP earned across all game modes.

Approximate Gained XP Bonus XP Multiplier

Less than 4,500 XP 4.0 * Gained XP (1x Earned XP + 3x Weekly XP Bonus)

Between 4,500 XP and 7,500 XP 2.0 * Gained XP (1x Earned XP + 1x Weekly XP Bonus)

Between 7,500 XP and 11,167 XP 1.0 * Gained XP (1x Earned XP, No Weekly XP Bonus)

Greater than 11,167 XP 0.175 * Gained XP (0.175x Earned XP)

These are approximate values based on community testing.

What is XP Overload?

In CS2, the XP overload feature was first introduced in the February 6, 2024 update. When a player earns their usual weekly XP and enters a phase of reduced XP gain, they will then see the XP overload icon next to their name on the scoreboard, which will remain there for a week. With each consecutive week that the player maintains their XP-earning streak, the XP overload icon will evolve. At the end of a match, if the player has earned enough XP to trigger the XP overload, the icon will display, indicating how much more XP is needed to reach it.

Overwatch XP Rewards

If they successfully confirm the guilt of a suspect player, an Overwatch Investigator will receive an Overwatch XP Reward. The player will be initially notified of this reward on the main menu, and the Investigator can redeem the reward of 195 XP upon finishing their next match on an official server.

Additionally, the Weekly XP Bonus is applicable to the Overwatch XP Reward.

New Player Boosters

New players will also receive an XP boost as they climb their way through the Recruit and Private ranks.

Mission XPs

After Operation Bloodhound, Operation Missions no longer grants player item drops. Instead, they provide experience points (XP) to the player. Players with Operation passes who increase their player’s profile rank during the Operation will then become eligible for exclusive Operation item drops.

The XP a player earns from a mission will very much depend on its difficulty. Generally, easy missions will reward 200 XP, normal missions reward 300 XP, and hard missions reward 400 XP. Some missions offer additional base XP based on variations. Certain missions also grant bonus XP based on the player’s actions – such as kills with specific weapons or completing the mission within a certain number of rounds.

Mission XP will only be awarded once the mission is complete for the first time. Replaying the same missions will only reward you with earned XP.

Weekly bonus XP applies to XP earned in missions – and the XP penalty also affects this XP.

In Operation Wildfire, Blitz Missions are time-limited multiplayer missions that give players an extra 10 XP per round won. However, you’ll need to be at least Private Rank 3 to take part in competitive Blitz missions.

In Operation Hydra, missions no longer contribute XP to the player’s rank. Instead, they award Guardian XP as part of a different system.

Since Operation Shattered Web, each operation rewards a ‘Bonus Rank XP’ of 5000 XP. This reward is given to the player after completing a certain number of missions.

CSGO Reduced Multiplier FAQs

What does the ff_damage_reduction_bullets command do?

The ff_damage_reduction_bullets command allows you to adjust the multiplier for bullet damage inflicted on friendly teammates in CS:GO and CS2.

How does the command work?

By setting a multiplier value, the command determines the extent to which bullet damage affects friendly teammates. The normal damage amount is multiplied by the specified value.

What are some common use cases for this command?

Players often adjust this command to mitigate the impact of friendly fire during gameplay. Lowering the multiplier can reduce accidental damage to teammates while increasing it can maintain a more realistic gameplay experience.

Can the multiplier be set to 0?

Yes, setting the multiplier to 0 eliminates all bullet damage to friendly teammates. This can be useful for servers or game modes where friendly fire is disabled.

What are some typical multiplier values used by players?

Common multiplier values range from 0 to 1. Lower values reduce bullet damage to teammates, while higher values maintain or increase it. Players often experiment with different values to find the balance that best suits their gameplay preferences.

Does the command affect bullet damage to enemies?

No, the ff_damage_reduction_bullets command specifically applies to damage dealt to friendly teammates. It does not affect the damage dealt to enemy players.

Can I adjust the multiplier during gameplay?

Yes, you can adjust the multiplier using console commands while in-game. However, server settings may restrict access to certain commands depending on the server configuration.

Are there any limitations or considerations I need to think about when using this command?

One important consideration is making sure that changes to the multiplier align with the overall gameplay experience and server rules. Any major adjustments could potentially disrupt gameplay balance and fairness.

How can I revert changes made by the command?

To reset the ff_damage_reduction_bullets command to its default value, simply restart the game or set the multiplier back to its default value of 0.33.

Is the command applicable in all game modes?

Yes, the ff_damage_reduction_bullets command can be used in all game modes where friendly fire is enabled. However, its impact may vary based on the rules and settings of each game mode.

What are Service Medals?

Valve releases a Service Medal annually, which you can attain by reaching Global General Rank 40. This medal will be showcased on your CS:GO profile as an acknowledgement of your accomplishment of attaining the highest Profile Rank in the game.