It is a command that allows you to define the ban duration for vote kicked players. It’s expressed in minutes, and it can only be used by server hosts and admins, as it’s only executed on the server side.
The time a ban is active from a vote kick in minutes.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

Did you know that you can set the time vote kicked players will have to wait before rejoining the server? It’s possible thanks to the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration command, which allows you to define the ban duration for such players.

You have the flexibility to set the ban duration according to your preference, ranging from 5 minutes to 1 day, or any duration you desire. This command offers you the freedom to tailor the ban duration to your specific needs, whether you prefer a shorter or longer ban duration for vote kicked players. 

On this page, we will let you know how this command works, how you can use it via the console, and share with you examples on how it’s implemented in the game, so you can tailor your server and games to your goals and needs.

What is the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration Command?

As the syntax of the command clearly suggests, it can only be used to define the ban duration for players who were kicked via vote. If they were kicked by other methods, you will have to use other commands such as removeid. 

This command serves as a crucial tool for moderating and customizing CS2 (CSGO) servers. It acts as a safeguard against toxic players, enhancing the overall gameplay experience for everyone involved.

The sv_vote_kick_ban_duration command accepts numeric arguments starting at 0, which will define the ban duration in minutes. Therefore, all you need to do to use it is to write the command and add the desired ban duration, and it will execute automatically. It’s worth taking into account that it’s set at 15 by default, meaning that all vote kicked players have to wait 15 minutes before rejoining the server.

This command can also be found as the unban command CSGO, because you can also use it to deactivate the waiting period before rejoining the server after getting vote kicked, as all you need to do is to set the argument to “0”. You can find this and more examples at the bottom of this page.

Now that you know what this command is and how it works, let’s check out how you can use it right now.

How to Use the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration Command

Here is how you can use the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration command to set the time vote kicked players will have to wait before joining the game again:

  1. Press the key “~” to launch the console
  2. Decide for how long you want to ban vote kicked users
  3. Type in the command sv_vote_kick_ban_duration #
  4. Press enter
  5. The command will execute automatically and set the ban duration

You only need to replace “#” for your desired ban duration. As it’s expressed in minutes, if you want to set the ban duration at 1 hour, you’d need to replace “#” for 60, resulting in the following command: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 60.

After inputting it via the console, all vote kicked players will only be able to join the server again after 60 minutes. Any attempts to rejoin the server before the defined ban duration will be rejected.

If you’d like to explore more real examples on how you can implement this command, below you will find all the information you need.

Examples on How to Use the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration Command

Let’s explore real examples on how you can use this command in the game, so you can start implementing it right off the bat.

Allow vote kicked players to rejoin the game automatically

If you want to allow vote kicked players to rejoin the game instantly, all you need to do is to set the argument of it at 0, which would result in the following command: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 0. Upon inputting it in the console, it will take effect immediately, setting the ban duration for vote kicked players at zero minutes.

Ban vote kicked players for 30 minutes

If you want to prevent the vote-kicked players from rejoining the server automatically, and make them wait 30 minutes, you need to set the argument at 30, hence resulting in the following command: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 30. All you need to do is to input it via the console, press enter and it will execute automatically. 

Ban vote kicked players for 45 minutes

If you wish to extend the ban duration further, which is especially useful with toxic players, you can set it to 45 minutes. In this case, you’d need to set the argument of the command at 45, which would result in the following command: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 45. After entering it in the console, all vote kicked players will have to wait 45 minutes before joining the server again.

Ban vote kicked players for 1 hour

To adjust your server’s ban duration for vote-kicked players to one hour, you must first convert this duration to minutes, which is 60 minutes. Then, you would apply it as the argument in the command. This would result in the following command: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 60. After executing it, players will have to wait 1 hour before rejoining your server.

Ban vote kicked players for 2 hours

If you would like to extend the ban duration to 2 hours, you only need to translate it into minutes, which is 120. Next, use it as the argument for the command, which would result in the following: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 120. Input it via the console and all vote kicked players will only be able to rejoin the server after 2 hours.

Ban vote kicked players for 5 hours

For very toxic players, it’s best to make them wait much longer, and hence it’s a good idea to set the argument of the command at 5 hours, which would be 300, as expressed in minutes. Therefore, you’d have to input the command like this via the console: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 300. Now, all vote kicked players will have to wait 5 hours before joining your server again.

Ban vote kicked players for 12 hours

If your goal is to make vote kicked players to wait 12 hours before joining your server again, first you need to convert 12 hours into minutes, which is 720. Next, we need to use it as the argument for the command, which would result in the following: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 720. Simply input it via the console and it will take effect immediately.

Ban vote kicked players for 1 day

If you wish to extend the ban duration for vote kicked players to 1 day, all you need to do is to turn it into minutes, which is 1440. Next, you only need to use it as the argument for the command, resulting in the following: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 1440. After inputting it via the console, they all will have to wait 1 full day before rejoining the server.

Reset the sv_vote_kick_ban_duration to default

If you have played around with the command, and now you want to reset the ban duration for vote kicked players back to default, you need to use 15 as the argument, resulting in the following: sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 15. After inputting it, all vote kicked players will be able to join the server again after 15 minutes.