<0 / 1>
This command toggles whether your server will check if a user joining it matches your server’s files or if they are consistent. Below, you will learn all about this command, to bring you a solid foundation so you can use it without problems.
0 / 1
The default value of the sv_consistency command is “0”, which is set as “false”. It means the server won’t check for the consistency of critical files when a new user joins it. As we have previously mentioned, it only accepts two values, hence the value for true is “1”.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

To adjust your server settings precisely, you can utilize commands like sv_consistency. This command lets you toggle whether the server checks if crucial files match your server’s files for every user connecting to it. 

If you’re new to running a private server, this command might look and sound like rocket science, and this is why we have created a full guide for it, so you can learn what it is and how to use it properly, so you can customize your server as you wish.

Once you have read this guide, you will be able to use this command without problems. Let’s start by explaining to you what this command is, so you can get a hold of it.

What is the sv_consistency Command?

As we have already mentioned in the introduction, this command toggles whether your server will check if a user joining it matches your server’s files or if they are consistent. Below, you will learn all about this command, to bring you a solid foundation so you can use it without problems.

Default Value of the sv_Consistency Command

If you want to activate the crucial files checks for all users joining your server, you have to use “1” as the argument for the command, in order to set it as “true”. Once you have input it like this via console, it will take effect immediately, changing the configuration of your server.

It’s worth noting you cannot use any other type of argument for this command, as it’s been designed only to be turned on or off by the server admin.

Purpose of the sv_Consistency Command

The purpose of this command is evident: it determines if the crucial files of a user attempting to join the server are consistent with the server’s files. When set to “0”, it disables file consistency checks. Conversely, setting it to “1” activates the checks, resulting in one of the following scenarios:

  • The user’s critical files match the server’s and he can join the server and play without problems

  • The user’s critical files aren’t consistent with the server’s, hence he’s automatically kicked.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to warn users if their essential files don’t match the server’s. Instead, the server’s new setup will just kick them out automatically. So, before you decide to use the sv_consistency command, keep in mind its straightforward approach with only two possible outcomes.

As you can see, this command was created to help admins customize their servers, now by making sure all the players match the critical files of the server for a consistent and ideal gameplay experience.

It’s worth noting that many players aim at deactivating this command, therefore setting it at sv_consistency 0, because otherwise they won’t be able to use mods or custom skins. Hence, if you want to make use of these and other extraordinary features, you need to deactivate it, otherwise the server will kick the players who fail the consistency check.

Are Admin Rights Necessary to Execute the Command?

Evidently, if you want to execute this command, first you need to have admin rights, because it will alter the standard configuration of the server. If you try to input it as a regular user, it won’t work. Therefore, before using it, make sure you have admin rights, so you can execute it without problems. 

Is It The Solution for “Host_Error: Server is enforcing file consistency for…”?

In the majority of cases, setting the sv_consistency command to “0” will fix this problem, as it will deactivate the consistency checks of critical files. It can happen with certain maps, scripts or files of any kind, but by inputting the command via console as instructed, it should solve the problem immediately.

Available in CS:GO and CS2

This command is available for both CS:GO and CS2. If you have admin rights, you will be able to execute the command without problems.

For example, if your private server runs CS:GO, and you want to only allow players whose critical files match the server’s to join, you can use the sv_consistency command to achieve it. Likewise, if you want to allow all players to join your server regardless of the status of their critical files, you can use this command to turn-off the automatic kick.

If we are talking about CS2, if you own the server, you can execute the command and set it on or off at any time you wish. The changes will be immediate, and if you set it to “1”, all the players who don’t match the critical files of the server will be kicked automatically.

Now that you have been properly introduced to the purpose and functions of this command, let’s check how to use it via console in the next section.

How to Use the sv_consistency Command

You can execute the sv_consistency command easily by following this short tutorial:

  • Press the “~” key to launch the developer console
  • Decide what value you will assign to the command (1 or 0)
  • Input in sv_consistency “W”
  • Press enter
  • The consistency checks will be turned on or off depending on the argument you used

All you need to do is to replace “W” for your selected value. If you want to activate it, you need to replace it with “1”, and if you want to turn it off, you need to replace it with “0”.

You can execute this command directly by launching the developer console, as you don’t have to activate sv_cheats beforehand.

Now that it’s all clear about the correct usage of the command, let’s check some examples on how it’s implemented, so you can start inputting it without problems.

Examples on How to Use the sv_consistency Command

Here you have some examples on how the sv_consistency command is implemented in the game, so you can learn more about its functions.

Activate the Consistency Check for Critical Files

If you want to activate the consistency check for critical files, you need to assign the argument “1” to the command, which will result in the following: sv_consistency 1. Simply input it via console and it will take effect immediately. All the players whose critical files don’t match your server’s will be kicked.

For example, if a player’s map file doesn’t match the server’s , upon executing the automatic check, the user will be kicked. Therefore, all players using differing critical files, including maps and scripts, will be automatically expelled from the server.

Deactivate the Consistency Check for Critical Files

If you want to deactivate the consistency check, so all users can join it without restrictions regardless of the status of their critical files, you need to use “0” for the command, which will result in the following: sv_consistency 0. Input it via console and it will automatically change the configuration of your server.

This is the solution if you want to allow players to use their own mods and custom skins, because as their critical files don’t have to match the server’s, they can play without restrictions.

It’s worth mentioning that if you cannot turn off the consistency checks even though you have input the command as instructed, simply restart the game and input it again via console. This time it should work, and all users will be able to join your server without restrictions.

Reset the sv_consistency Command Back to Default

If you wish to reset the command back to default, you need to use the argument “0” as well, therefore it will result in the following: sv_consistency 0. Input it via console and it will be reset back to the default value.

Once it’s set to “0”, the users will be able to have altered critical files in comparison to the server’s, and hence they won’t risk getting kicked automatically from the server. 

Using Alternative Arguments for the Command

Because this command has been designed to act as a switch to turn on and off the consistency of critical files, you can only use “1” and “0” as arguments. Therefore, any of the following examples won’t execute the function of the command:

  1. sv_consistency on
  2. sv_consistency off
  3. sv_consistency 3
  4. sv_consistency 4
  5. sv_consistency 5

Stick to using the available arguments to switch it off or on as necessary, so you can enable or deactivate the consistency checks whenever you wish to.

This all you need to know about the sv_consistency command – if you have more questions about it, do not hesitate to contact us.