<0 / 1>
The following command sets whether or not votes (e.g. timeout votes) are allowed in the game.
0 / 1
With the 0 / 1, you need to set it to 0 to disable/disallow players from calling votes and set it to 1 to allow players to start votes.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

sv_allow_votes Command Help & Examples 

  • sv_allow_votes 0
    • This command will disable voting on your server.
  • sv_allow_votes 1
    • This command will disable voting and is the default setting.

Voting in CSGO

Voting is a game feature that was introduced to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on March 23, 2012, which was also omitted from Counter-Strike: Source.

Voting Options

There are ten different types of votes that you are able to initiate:

  1. Kick Player: This initiates a vote to kick a selected player – which we’ll look at later.
  2. Swap Teams: Immediately swaps teams after the vote is passed.
  3. Change Map…: This changes the current map to a selected map.
  4. Change War Game…: The command switches the current war game mode to the selected mode.
  5. Choose Next Map…: Sets the next map to the selected one. Unlike ChangeLevel, the current map remains.
  6. Extend Current Map: Adds more time to the current map being played.
  7. Pause the match during freeze time? \ Unpause the match and resume freeze time.: This vote is only available during tournaments or if the server allows it.
  8. Begin warmup countdown to match start? \ Abort match start and return to infinite warmup?: Again, this is only available only during a tournament or if the server allows it.
  9. Call a Tactical Timeout: The vote will pause the game for 30 seconds in official Competitive mode.
  10. Surrender: Finally, this vote will forfeit the game, giving the enemy team a win. This will only be unlocked 5 minutes after a player on the voting team abandons the match. Being kicked from the game as a result of a “votekick” does not count as abandoning the match, so the surrender vote will not be unlocked in this instance.

Client Commands

Here are the client commands:

  • F1: Selects “Yes” for the current vote or picks a map in a level vote.
  • F2: Selects “No” for the current vote or picks a map in a level vote.
  • 1-0: Chooses a map in a map vote.

Console Commands

Next, we’ll look at the console commands:

  • sv_allow_votes
    • Default value: 1
    • Enables or disables voting.
  • sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after
    • Default value: 0
    • Arms Race gun level, after which voting to restart is disallowed.
    • Multiplayer Variable
  • mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime
    • Default value: 20
    • If mp_endmatch_votenextmap is enabled, players have this much time to vote on the next map at the end of the match.
  • mp_endmatch_votenextmap
    • Default value: 1
    • Determines whether players get to vote for the next map when the match ends and when the final scoreboard appears.
  • mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent
    • Default value: 1
    • If enabled, keeps the current map in the list of voting options. If disabled, the current map will not appear in the list of voting options.
  • mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_modes
    • Default value: 0
    • Modes are available for endmatch voting during War Games. You’ll need to separate names with spaces.
  • mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummaps
    • Default value: 3
    • Maximum number of maps that are included in endmatch voting during War Games.
  • mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummodes
    • Default value: 1
    • Maximum number of modes to include in endmatch voting during War Games.


As we touched upon earlier, this is the most common vote, and it allows for the expulsion of a teammate from the room through a voting process. To initiate a vote kick:

  1. Press the CAPS LOCK button.
  2. Select the player’s name.
  3. Choose a reason from the provided options.

A voting pop-up will then appear on the screens of all team members – except for the player in question, located at the top right corner. They have 10 seconds to vote, pressing F3 to accept or F4 to reject.

After the voting period ends, or if all players voted within 10 seconds, the outcome will be determined by the majority. If successful, a message stating “[Player’s name] has been kicked out” will be displayed; if unsuccessful, “[Player’s name] has not been kicked out” will appear.

The interval between votes is 60 seconds. A player who has been kicked out cannot re-enter until the room is in Stand-by mode. Additionally, a recent update has implemented a daily usage limit for this feature per player.

The Dos and Dont’s of Votekick

  • You shouldn’t kick a player without a valid reason, as this may result in retaliation from other players, especially if the kicked player has friends or relatives in the game.
  • When initiating a kick, you should communicate your reason in the chat and make sure you have agreement with other players.
  • We’d recommend that you vote out any cheater or exploiter to keep the game fair and to not waste everyone’s time.
  • Be careful if you are suspicious of someone hacking, as they may simply be highly skilled players.
  • Vote to kick players experiencing severe lag or have a bad internet connection, as this can negatively impact the game for everyone, often caused by players from other regions or network issues.
  • Only vote to kick players who are genuinely disrupting the game – and don’t do it because of a personal bias or just because you dislike specific individuals.

Voting in CSGO FAQs

What is voting in CS:GO?

Voting in CS:GO essentially allows players to enjoy the democratic decision-making processes within the game. It allows players to collectively decide on various actions, such as kicking out a disruptive player, changing the map, or pausing the match.

How does the voting system work?

When a vote is initiated, a pop-up will appear on each player’s screen, allowing them to cast their vote within a specified time frame. Players will be able to vote by pressing the designated keys (usually F1 for “Yes” and F2 for “No”). The outcome of the vote will then be determined by a majority decision.

What types of votes can be called?

There are a number of types of votes that can be initiated when you play CS:GO, including:

  • Kick Player: Allows players to initiate a vote to kick a selected player from the match.
  • Change Map: Enables players to vote for a change in the current map to another available map.
  • Swap Teams: Allows players to vote for an immediate swap of teams.
  • Extend Current Map: Enables players to vote to extend the duration of the current map being played.

And more.

How can I participate in a vote?

To take part in a vote, simply press the designated keys (usually F1 for “Yes” and F2 for “No”) when the voting pop-up appears on your screen. Your vote will then be counted towards the final decision.

Can I call a vote in any game mode?

Yes, voting is available in various game modes, including Competitive, Casual, and Community servers. However, there are certain restrictions that may apply depending on the server settings and game mode.

What are some common reasons for calling a vote?

The most common reasons for calling a vote include:

  • Kicking out a disruptive player who is cheating, trolling, or causing problems.
  • Changing the map to a different one that is preferred by the majority of players.
  • Pausing the match for a tactical timeout or other reasons.
  • Extending the duration of the current map to allow for more playing time.

Are there any limitations to voting?

Yes, there are various limitations to prevent abuse of the voting system. For example, there may be cooldown periods between consecutive votes or restrictions on the number of votes that can be initiated within a certain time frame.