The rate at which new updates are rendered relative to the current screen refresh cycle on the client side is determined via the cl_interp command
One number between 0 and 0.5 represents the delays caused by interpolations measured in seconds. The value defaults to 0.03125 seconds (31.25 milliseconds).
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

Many settings can be used to tweak and improve gameplay. One of these essential commands is cl_interp CSGO, which affects how clients in the game handle interpolation, making the game run smoothly. This article will detail what this command does, why it is so crucial, and explain how it can be effectively applied in CS:GO.

What Is Interpolation In CS:GO?

Interpolation smooths out movement in online games. In CS: GO, it estimates and displays positions between server data points. This keeps motion looking silky regardless of network latency, a condition wherein there’s a delay in getting information from the server.

cl_interp CSGO Command

The syntax of the command is:

  • cl_interp

Default Settings And Recommendations

Usually, the default settings for cl_interp are:

  • cl_interp 0.03125
  • cl_interp_ratio 2
  • cl_interpolate 1

These values ensure that most players have a balanced experience. Still, they may be modified based on your specific internet connection and playing environment conditions.

Using cl_interp for Optimal Performance

When To Use cl_interp 0?

Setting cl_interp CSGO to zero uses the smallest time interval permissible by the server. This is ideal for players with fast, stable internet connections who experience no packet loss or very minimal packet loss. It reduces the delay between server updates and what you see on your screen, making your game feel more responsive when using cl_interp 0.

When to Use Higher Values

However, suppose you are experiencing packet loss or have a higher latency. In that case, increasing the value of cl_interp can be advantageous. These settings vary based on connection quality:

  • Good Connection (Low ping, No Packet Loss): cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio 1
  • Moderate Connection (Some Packet Loss): cl_interp 0.031 and cl_interp_ratio 2
  • Poor Connection (High Packet Loss): cl_interp 0.1 and cl_interp_ratio 3

Furthermore, the command ‘cl_interp_ratio’ is also essential since clients use previous ticks to interpolate player positions depending on this ratio. By adjusting such a ratio, you will manage to mitigate effects caused by packet loss, hence ensuring smoother gameplay.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Setting cl_interp for Low Latency If you have a stable, high-speed internet connection with low latency (below 50ms), you can use the following settings:

  • cl_interp 0
  • cl_interp_ratio 1
  • cl_interpolate 1

These settings minimize the interpolation delay and make your game more responsive.

Example 2: Handling Packet Loss For players experiencing packet loss or higher latency (above 50ms), the following settings can provide a smoother experience:

  • cl_interp 0.031
  • cl_interp_ratio 2
  • cl_interpolate 1

Without interpolation, the game would be unplayable in case of any data packet delay or lag, which may result in choppy or jerky movement. Players can fine-tune the smoothing process using the cl_interp command, which balances responsiveness against visual smoothness depending on network conditions.

Interpolation and Competitive Play

In competitive CS:GO, every millisecond counts as players must react quickly to enemy movements. A single second could mean the difference between victory and defeat. These include setting the cl_interp, rate, cl_updaterate, and cl_cmdrate commands at optimal levels.

Professional players spend a lot of time perfecting these settings, which suit their internet connection and server conditions. Understanding and optimizing these commands may help them gain a competitive advantage by lowering perceived latency and improving shot registration.

Related Commands


This command works together with cl_interp to establish how much interpolation the client does. It sets the interpolation ratio to the update rate, indicating how many previous ticks are used for interpolation by the client. The syntax for this command is:


Where is either 1, 2, or 3, depending on your internet’s quality level. Here are some examples:

  • Stable Connection: cl_interp_ratio 1
  • Moderate Packet Loss: cl_interp_ratio 2
  • High Packet Loss: cl_interp_ratio 3


This determines how many bytes per second your client can handle from the server. Setting it right ensures that too much data does not clog up your connection, causing it to slow down considerably. The typical value for this command is:

  • rate 786432

cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate

These two commands specify how many updates per second (cl_updaterate) and the rate sent (cl_cmdrate) should be expected from servers to clients. To avoid stuttering in a video game, the value of this command should be higher. Some standard settings are:

  • cl_updaterate 128
  • cl_cmdrate 128

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Lag and Packet Loss

Lags and packet losses also significantly affect gameplay by causing delays and stutters. Network statistics, which may help to diagnose these problems, can be displayed using the net_graph 3 command. High values in the “loss” or “choke” columns indicate packet loss and network congestion, respectively.

Adjusting cl_interp, cl_interp_ratio, and other network settings can also reduce these issues. If it persists, upgrade your internet connection or use a wired one instead of Wi-Fi.

Hit Registration Problems

This is where you shoot at something, but it doesn’t appear on target. Make sure that your setting matches your internet connection:

  • cl_interp 0 for low latency, stable connections
  • cl_interp 0.031 for moderate connections
  • cl_interp 0.1 for high latency, unstable connections

Check that your cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate values are consistent with the server’s (generally 128 for competitive play) settings.

Historical Context and Evolution

Interpolation in online gaming was initially done differently than today’s methods. At first, online games were characterized by lags due to slow internet speeds and less advanced network protocols. Game developers adopted techniques like interpolation to improve player experience as networking improved.

CS:GO was built using the Source engine, similar to Counter-Strike: Source or Half-Life, which led to the inheritance of several optimization concepts from its predecessors. Part of this evolution has included incorporating a command called “cl_interp”. With this feature being added to CS:GO, players can now customize their game according to the available internet conditions.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Monitoring Network Performance

Constantly follow your network performance using net_graph 3. This will help you track any changes in your internet connection so that you can modify settings accordingly. It shows a graphical display of essential aspects of the network, such as ping, packet loss, and choke. It allows one to quickly spot any problems that may occur while playing games, thus enabling them to adjust their settings for optimum performance.

Use of Autoexec Configurations

This is done through the creation of an autoexec.cfg file allows you to apply your preferred settings every time you run CS:GO. The file executes custom commands and sets up your preferences in this case. To create and use an autoexec.cfg file:

  1. Go to your CS:GO configuration folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
  2. Open or create a file called “autoexec.cfg” with notepad ++.
  3. Type in desired commands like these:
    • cl_interp 0
    • cl_interp_ratio 1
    • cl_interpolate 1
  4. Save and close the file, then ensure it’s read-only to avoid accidental changes.

Merge with Other Directives

For a more dynamic gaming experience, combine cl_interp variations with other network commands. Such as:

  • rate 786432: The command sets the maximum number of bytes per second that the client can receive from the server to avoid connection crashes due to data overload leading to lagging.
  • cl_updaterate 128: This command controls how many times in a second the server updates the client for smoother gameplay. However, it requires a stable network connection.
  • cl_cmdrate 128: Cl_cmdrate is another command determining how often your client sends an update tick to the server per second. Like cl_updaterate, raising this value will improve gameplay smoothness.

Incorporating these commands alongside cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio settings will optimize client-server communication for best performance.

Troubleshooting Advanced Issues

Constant Packet Loss

If you are having consistent packet loss, try these steps:

Check Your Internet Connection: Make sure your internet is stable. Use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi to eliminate packet loss.

Adjust Network Settings: Modify your cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio settings till you get what suits you most. Start with:

  • cl_interp 0.031
  • cl_interp_ratio 2
  • cl_interpolate 1

Contact Your ISP: If the problem persists, you may call your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to know if there are any issues with their service provision.

High Ping

Being disadvantaged due to high ping is common in CS:GO games. For troubleshooting solutions concerning high pings:

  • Use a Wired Connection: A wired connection tends to be more stable and faster than a wireless one.
  • Close Background Applications: Ensure no other applications are using up your bandwidth.
  • Select Nearby Servers: Choose servers closer to you geographically whenever possible.
  • Optimize Network Settings: Use commands like:


  • rate 786432
  • cl_updaterate 128
  • cl_cmdrate 128

Historical Context and Evolution

The idea of interpolation in online gaming has evolved over the years. In the early days of internet gaming, slower speeds and less sophisticated network protocols caused lag and latency issues. As internet infrastructure improved, game developers implemented more advanced techniques like interpolation to enhance the player experience.

CS:GO, a Source engine-based game, borrowed many network optimization methods from its predecessors, including Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life. The cl_interp command is part of this progress, allowing players to personalize their experience based on their network conditions.

Advanced Tips And Tricks Continued

Testing Different Settings

Sometimes, it is necessary to do a little trial and error when setting up cl_interp properly. Here are some steps you can take to test different settings and decide what works best for you:

  • Create a Baseline: Begin with the default settings and play some matches so you can gauge your current performance level. Take note of any problems you notice, such as stuttering or trouble with hit registration.
  • Make Incremental Changes: Adjust the cl_interp value slightly, then play several matches under each new setting. For example, if you start with cl_interp 0.031, try cl_interp 0.015 and cl_interp 0.05 to see how these changes impact your gameplay.
  • Monitor Performance: Use net_graph 3 to monitor your network performance during games. Monitor your ping, packet loss, and choke numbers to understand how various settings affect your connection.
  • Adjust cl_interp_ratio: Similarly, experiment with values of 1, 2, and 3 for cl_interp_ratio. Each ratio interacts differently with your cl_interp setting, resulting in varied gameplay smoothness and differing levels of hit registration.
  • Record Results: Document all changes and their impact on performance to identify the most suitable options over time.

Community Insights

Forums and Community Guides

Many CS:GO players pour their experiences and settings on forums and community guides. Websites like Reddit, Steam Community, and dedicated CS:GO forums all have good recommendations and help with troubleshooting. Seasoned gamers often release their configurations or explain their choices, providing helpful knowledge to fine-tune the game.

Pro Player Settings

Professional CS:GO players usually have meticulously calculated settings, which include cl_interp values. is a site where such configurations are updated regularly. As much as it may be essential to remember that professional gamers enjoy access to high-speed internet connections and gaming stations that are superbly well-optimized, their settings can be used as a good base for your exploration.

Common Misconceptions

The Myth of One-Size-Fits-All Settings

One common mistake is thinking there is one universal cl_interp setting that suits everyone. There are no ideal parameters because the best ones would depend on many factors, including network strength, hardware quality, and personal preference. What works for one person may work for another person at different times. You need to test them out based on your peculiar situation.

Understanding cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio

Another false belief is that small values of cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio are always better. They can lower perceived latency and make the game choppy if your connection isn’t stable enough. Thus, finding a happy medium between minimal latency is crucial without sacrificing smoothness.

Advanced Network Settings

Rate Limiting and Buffering

Apart from cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio, other network settings refine your experience with CS:GO:

cl_smoothtime: This command gives a smoothing time rate every time the server updates its network configuration. Adjusting this can help with jittery movement caused by network instability.

  • cl_smoothtime 0.1

cl_lagcompensation: This setting allows/disables lag compensation, affecting how accurately your weapon connects with the target during high-latency times.

  • cl_lagcompensation 1

Server-Side Considerations

However, apart from client-side changes, server settings also influence your gameplay. High tick rate servers (e.g., 128-tick servers) can greatly affect your actions’ responsiveness and accuracy. Always look for servers with good performance and low latency.

Future Developments

Potential Engine Updates

Sometimes, Valve updates the Source engine and CS:GO, altering network settings like cl_interp. Therefore, staying updated on such developments is essential as they may affect the game’s optimal performance. Patch notes community discussions on Reddit and Steam Community provide information about these changes and recommended options.

Community Innovations

The CS:GO community is highly active and always creates new tools, guides, or recommendations. Sharing with community members often optimizes networking or gameplay. Talk to other players to get the latest tips on improving your setup.


Understanding the cl_interp CS:GO command can significantly improve your gaming experience in this game. Adjusting interpolation settings based on your internet connection speed and personal preferences could make smoother play possible and more responsive game mechanics overall. Try different values to determine what suits you most, considering that these should be changed permanently for stable performance ratings every time you switch them on.