Office Callouts

Office (cs_office), also known as the office complex within the Counter-Strike franchise, is in the official hostage rescue map, added in Beta 7.0. Due to its popularity, it has been in every Counter-Strike game.
This map and the callouts are the same (or very similar) in both CS2 and CS:GO.
  • 1
  • 2
    Long Snipe
  • 3
    Front Yard
  • 4
    Front Dumpster
  • 5
    Front Office
  • 6
    Main Hall
  • 7
    Side Hall
  • 8
    Long Hall
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
    Garage Yard
  • 13
    CT Spawn
  • 14
    T Spawn
  • 15

Everything You Need To Know About Office Callouts

Simply put, in this page you can find all the Office callouts, so you can learn how to communicate and play like a pro in this iconic CS:GO and CS2 map. We will bring a detailed description of each callout, and to make it even easier for you to navigate it, we invite you to check our numbered map.

  • Snowman: This callout refers to the open area located behind the Front Yard, and it’s easy to identify because it has a snowman, which was added as an update to the map in CS:GO. It’s a key area to control for Ts as it’s near to the CT spawn area, and hence taking a hold on it will provide the team an advantage over CTs 
  • Long Snipe: This callout refers to the indoor area located behind the Front Yard. This section is essential for both Ts and CTs, because AWPers playing as CTs will try to control it as soon as possible because it provides them with a competitive advantage over Ts, hence terrorists must aim to control it or stop CT AWPers from taking a hold on it. Now you can understand why it’s been named “Long Snipe” 
  • Front Yard: This area connects the CT Spawn area to the Main Hall and the Front Office. It’s also the largest open area in Office, hence it acts as a nexus for both teams, and thus controlling it can disrupt the actions and strategies of the enemy, as it’s considered as a central hub for player movement 
  • Front Dumpster: As you can easily guess, it’s a dumpster located in the Front Yard. It’s a key spot to control because it provides cover, and hence it’s quite useful for entry fraggers and riflers in Office, as well as for ambushes. Therefore, if you want to play this role, we recommend you to get a hold of it as soon as possible during the early game 
  • Front Office: This callout refers to the main entrance area inside the building. As such, it’s a key area to control early in the game because it’s useful for skirmishes and setting up defensive set ups, therefore it’s useful for both CTs and Ts 
  • Main Hall: This callout refers to the central corridor inside the building, and hence it’s a key area for player movement, and controlling it provides an outstanding advantage for any team. Entry fraggers and riflers will aim to control it as soon as possible in the early game, as it can set the tone for the rest of the round 
  • Side Hall: This callout refers to the narrow passage on the edge of the map. Thanks to its privileged position in the map, it’s key to control this zone as soon as possible, as it’s useful for executing surprise attacks, diverse maneuvers and strategies for both CTs and Ts


  • Long Hall: This callout refers to the long corridor located after the Side Hall (left). As such, it connects the Main Hall with the rest of the areas in the map, and thus controlling this area will bring the team a noticeable advantage over the enemy team, as it’s a central hub for player movement. It’s often used by Ts to stop CTs from rescuing the hostages 
  • Paper: This area receives this name because it is filled with printing paper and cubicles. It’s easy for Ts to control this area as it’s near to the T Spawn area, and as such, it’s excellent for players who love to engage in close combat and those who love to rush 
  • Projector: This callout refers to the large area containing a projector, and it’s located right after the Kitchen. Despite being a small room, Ts usually use it to set up defensive tactics, especially when the CT team is full of entry fraggers and players who love to rush as it’s a good way to counteract them 
  • Kitchen: Literally a kitchen, and it connects directly with the Paper area. Dominating this room provides control over the side of the map, and hence it provides a competitive advantage over the enemy team, especially if your team likes to set up defensive tactics 
  • Garage Yard: This callout refers to the area that connects directly with the entrance of the Garage. Controlling this area provides easy access to other key zones in the map, and hence both CTs and Ts will aim to control it as soon as possible 
  • CT Spawn: This callout refers to the spawn area for CTs 
  • T Spawn: It refers to the spawn area for Terrorists, and it’s key to learn about the areas that connect directly with it to execute the corresponding tactics and strategies
  • Garage: Literally a Garage, connecting directly with the Garage Yard and the CT Spawn area. As a result, CT entry fraggers will usually go and control this area as soon as possible, as it will provide them with a competitive advantage over Ts, making it easier to rescue the hostages.

Now you can learn and use the main 15 callouts in Office, and you’re going to see a noticeable improvement in your performance and team tactics, because it will allow you to communicate with your teammates effectively, sharing key information about the enemy easily.

If you want to navigate the callouts easily, just check our numbered map and the corresponding description for each area. This way you will learn all the details about their location, and hence you will be able to use the callotus effectively.

Why Is It Important to Use Callouts in Office?

If you’re new to the concept of using callouts in CS:GO/CS2, here you have a list of reasons why it’s important to use the when playing in Office:


  • Communicate briefly and effectively: When playing competitively, it’s a waste of time to use the radio or the chat, and hence the easiest way to communicate information about your location or the enemy is by using callouts via the microphone, it makes communication both brief and effective 
  • Coordinate tactics and actions easily: Because using callouts in Office allows you to transfer information quickly, it’s a godsend for coordinating tactics and actions. You don’t have to waste time using the chat or the radio, hence you can execute your strategies effectively, be it as a T or CT 
  • Goes with the flow of the match: Learning how to use callouts in Office will allow you to go with the flow of the match, making it possible to communicate all the necessary information to your teammates without disrupting the action 
  • Allows you to unleash your potential in your designated role: If you’re playing a specific role, for example an AWPer, using callouts will allow you to gather all the information you need to unleash your full potential. The same if you’re a lurker, entry fragger, baiter, anchor or support, using callouts will mark a huge difference when playing in Office 
  • Learn the importance of each area: The different 15 areas in Office serve different purposes. For example, controlling the Long Snipe is a must-do if you have skillful AWPers in your team, and controlling the Front Yard will provide your team a competitive advantage because it’s a nexus for player movement 

As you can see, it pays off to use the callouts in Office, as it’s going to make a huge difference in your team’s performance. And since this map has a smaller number of callouts, it’s a good start point, so you can later learn how to use callouts in maps that belong to the official pool of CS2 maps.

If you feel like there are too many callouts to learn, don’t worry. You can start slow and practice with bots, so you can get familiar with the different areas in Office, before you can start using them in matches with real players.

Overview on the Office Map

One of the most popular hostage rescue maps, it’s been available in all the versions of Counter-Strike, all the way from CS 1.0 to CS2. Therefore, it’s an iconic map that players love, especially in Casual mode as it’s part of the pool of casual CS2 maps nowadays. 

The map has undergone four major transformations since its launch, adding new features such as snow walking sound, significant changes to key sections such as the T spawn area and updates to the texture and overall design of the map.

Although this map doesn’t belong to the official pool of maps in CS2 Competitive, thousands of players around the world still love to play in this map, be it via MM or on their private servers. Therefore, this is why many want to learn how to use the Office callouts, as they’re a reliable way to execute different strategies and tactics flawlessly.

Now you have a proper overview on the Office map and all the callouts you can use, therefore we invite you to study our numbered map and list of callouts carefully, so you can learn how to use them like a professional.