List Of The Best CS2 & CS:GO Binds

"Binding" a key in CS:GO and CS2 refers to linking an in-game function or action to a key on your keyboard or mouse. These functions or actions can include jumping, pulling out a specific weapon, or conducting a combination of movements, such as a jump throw. 

CSGO binds are commonly used by players to increase their quality of life when playing the game. If you aspire to become an intermediate to advanced Counter-Strike player, it’s almost a necessity to have at least a few of the best bind commands available in the game. 

Here is a complete list of the most useful CSGO binds you should look to implement in your gameplay!

Mouse Wheel Jump Bind

The mouse wheel jump bind is one of the most common CSGO binds used by professional or high-skilled players. As the name suggests, this bind will link your jump action to your mouse’s scroll wheel. 

This is a useful bind to enhance your jumping and strafing movements in Counter-Strike, especially for bunny hopping. Using your scroll wheel to jump will help time jumps and generally improve your movement skills. 

bind mwheelup +jump; bind mwheeldown +jump; bind space +jump

If you only want one scroll direction bound to your jump, feel free to remove the other one!

Jump Throw Bind

The jump throw bind is the most complicated one to apply on this list, but is undoubtedly the most helpful bind. Every single professional player utilizes this bind!

A handful of grenade lineups require players to jump and throw the grenade, but it’s almost humanly impossible for players to time their jump throws 100 out of 100 times. As a result, players turn to a bind command to help them. 

You will have to input these commands into your autoexec folder and execute the config when you are in the game:

alias “+jumpaction” “+jump;”

alias “+throwaction” “-attack; -attack2”

alias “-jumpaction” “-jump”

bind Alt “+jumpaction;+throwaction;”

In this example, we’ve bound the jump throw action to the Alt key, but you can always change it to suit your preference.

Jump Crouch Bind

In numerous maps, certain positions cannot be reached by players using a regular jump. As a result, the player must jump and crouch to create extra height to land. Some examples include Ticket Booth on Mirage and X Box on Dust II. 

In a game like Counter-Strike, where milliseconds can count, players often do not have the room to mess up a jump crouch as it could be punished if it fails. Having a bind that perfectly performs a jump crouch for you is always nice.

alias “+hjump” “+jump; +duck”

alias “-hjump” “-jump; -duck”

bind “space” “+hjump”

We’ve bound the crouch jump action to your Space bar in this example. The crouch action is performed and ends immediately after you let go of your Space bar, so you don’t have to worry about your normal jump being changed. Just don’t hold your jump for too long. 

Grenade Lineup Crosshair Bind

Some grenade lineups require players to line their crosshair with certain details, such as the Window smoke from Top Mid on Mirage. 

The grenade lineup crosshair bind extends your grenade lines to cover the entire screen, making it easier to aim your grenade in straight lines.  

bind y “toggle cl_crosshairsize # 1000″

In this example, we’ve set the bind to the “y” key. This version of the command is a toggle command. Replace the # with your current crosshair size to avoid any complications!

Specific Binds For All Grenades

When climbing up the Counter-Strike ranks, you will notice that grenades such as smokes, flashbangs, and incendiary grenades become crucial in advanced play. Many situations will require you to throw a grenade immediately.

In the highest level of Counter-Strike, you cannot delay your grenades because you are busy scrolling to find the right one, which can be quite punishing. As a result, it is highly recommended that dedicated CSGO binds be set for each grenade. 

bind c “use weapon_flashbang”

bind v “use weapon_smokegrenade”

bind 4 “use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade”

bind 5 “use weapon_hegrenade”

If you are using a gaming mouse, setting some grenade keys to your Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 buttons could be a good idea.

Quickswitch Bind

The quickswitch bind is commonly used by AWPers, especially in the professional scene. After every AWP shot, a player must reset the weapon, which can take time. By switching to their knife and back to the AWP, a player reduces the reset time, which can be crucial in many situations.

Alternatively, an AWPer may want to quickly switch back to their pistol if an enemy shows up close range. Whatever the reason may be, the quickswitch feature is too good to pass on. 

bind q “+switchw”

Most players set the “q” key as their quickswitch keybind since it is very accessible in intense situations. 

Mute Voice Chat Bind

When you are trying to clutch a 1v3, the most annoying part comes from your teammates who are backseating you for every move. These additional voices can ruin focus, and most players prefer to perform their clutch based on their own decisions.

Having a volume mute bind is a really good idea, which will mute all your teammates until the key is pressed again. This is a very popular bind for players who solo queue.

bind j “voice_modenable_toggle”

In the CS:GO days, the command used to be voice_enable, but was changed when Counter-Strike: 2 was released. The command still has the same purpose, though. 

Volume Mute Toggle Bind

Some people, myself included, like to immerse themselves in their phones every time they die. If these players want nothing to do with the remainder of the round, they mute their in-game sounds to Alt Tab or listen to audio from their phones.

In other situations, some people might prefer to listen to music while doing their warm-up, choosing to mute noise. The volume mute toggle bind has numerous purposes, and it never hurts to have it prepared. 

bindToggle p “volume 0.3 0.01”

Feel free to adjust the volume levels in the command. If you normally play on 50% volume, you should input 0.5 and 0.01 as the two values. 

Mute Chat And Radio Bind

Unlike the previous commands, this mute command disables in-game chat and radio messages instead of volumes. 

If you’re tired of your teammates arguing or spamming radio voice lines, this is the command you seek. 

bind l “ignorerad; ignoremsg;”

This command is beneficial if you often play Competitive matches alone and want peace and quiet. 

Change Volume While Walking Bind

Audio cues such as footsteps create crucial information in a game like Counter-Strike. Players can set a bind in CS2 to increase the game volume and their surroundings while walking (holding SHIFT). 

Since it is unlikely that you will be in a gunfight while walking, the least you could do is gather more information through sound. 

alias +shiftVolume “incrementvar volume 0 1 0.55;+speed”

alias -shiftVolume “incrementvar volume 0 1 -0.55;-speed”

bind shift +shiftVolume

Once you let go of your SHIFT key, the volume will return to normal. 

Clear Decals Bind

Decals in CS:GO and CS2 refer to player-made visual effects, such as blood splatters and graffiti. Not only do these decals reduce performance, but they also affect the visibility of enemy players. Have you missed someone because they were standing in front of blood on a wall before?

There are three variations of the clear decals bind:

  1. Binding it to a dedicated key, just like a normal bind. Every time you press the key, all decals will be cleared.
bind m “r_cleardecals”
  1. Binding it to your Mouse 1 button. Every time you shoot, decals will be cleared so no blood splatters will distract you in the middle of a gun fight.
bind “MOUSE1” “+attack; r_cleardecals”
  1. Binding it to your movement keys. Since players are moving at all times, decals will almost alway be cleared when using this variation of the clear decals bind.
bind w “+forward; r_cleardecals”; bind a “+moveleft; r_cleardecals”; bind s “+back ; r_cleardecals”; bind d “+moveright; r_cleardecals”

Feel free to decide which variation you prefer. Or, you can also use all three if you really hate decals!

Noclip Toggle Bind

The noclip command allows players to fly around the map and go through walls. It is a cheat command that is often used in practice sessions. By default, the noclip command is a toggle command, so the first time pressing the noclip bind will turn it on, and the second time will turn it off. 

bind n “sv_cheats 1; noclip”

Since noclip is a cheat command, it can only be used in a private server where cheats are enabled. In the example provided, we’ve already included the sv_cheats 1 command to speed up the process.

Radar Zoom Bind

Advanced players love the radar zoom bind as it comes in handy in numerous situations. When players take or retake a site, they can zoom in on their radar so they can get a more precise view of where everybody is at.

Meanwhile, when players are holding a large part of the map such as A Long on Dust II and Overpass, they might want to zoom out of their radar so they can see what’s happening everywhere else.  

The radar zoom bind will take some practice and time to get used to, but it will pay off by providing useful information in future matches.

bind KP_plus “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05”

bind KP_minus “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05”

In this example, we have set the binds to the “+” and “-” keys for relatively obvious reasons. 

In conclusion, CSGO binds are not a must-have to become good at the game but can come in handy from time to time. These binds can help players become more efficient at throwing grenade lineups and switch between their weapons and utility swiftly. 

Other binds can help players gather more information through sound or a zoomed-out radar. There are endless possibilities for how CSGO binds can give players an advantage over others!