Distinguished Master Guardian
Distinguished Master Guardian (also known as DMG and sometimes even Sherrif) is the fifth highest rank within the game. Find below everything you need to know.
Distinguished Master Guardian Rank In CS2
DMG is a very good rank within CS and will place you with some great players, who tend to have great spray control and a moderate game sense
Is Distinguished Master Guardian Good?
Distinguished Master Guardian is a great rank in CS2 and this is where it starts to get competitive.
Where Distinguished Master Guardian Put Me?
Being a Distinguished Master Guardian puts you in the top 14% of players. That means, if you were placed in a game with 100 other players, you’d probably be able to beat 86 of them.
How To Improve From Distinguished Master Guardian
You can easily improve from this rank by learning the spray patterns and how to utilise them while by developing your in-game aim.
A lot of players can struggle to reach Distinguished Master Guardian, players who reach this level have normally accumulated a substantial amount of hours in-game time and practice.
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POSITION13 / 18 Ranks