SWAG CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
In the North American and global CS2 scene, Braxton “SWAG” Pierce is one of the biggest names. Born on September 20, 1996, it wasn’t until 2011 that this now-retired player decided to start his career in the world of FPS, and more precisely, Counter-Strike.
If you’d like to replicate his CS2 settings and get the same peripherals, be our guest. Below, you will find all the information you need.
You will find the exact settings he’s using for his mouse, video, crosshair, viewmodel, and more. Without anything more to add, let’s start!
TeamContent Creator
CountryUnited States
BirthdaySeptember 20, 1992
In the North American and global CS2 scene, Braxton “SWAG” Pierce is one of the biggest names.
You know it, when it comes to CS2 you need to be quick and accurate, and these two are predominant traits in fl0m’s gameplay style. And here’s how his mouse settings are helping him to support this pro-level style:
Mouse Sensitivity1.5
Effective DPI (eDPI)600
Zoom Sensitivity1.0
Windows Sensitivity6
SWAG’s relatively high mouse sensitivity is a common choice among professional players, offering a balance between control and speed. -
SWAG’s crosshair settings are meticulously adjusted to suit his playing style, providing a clear and precise aiming point for precise shots and lots of headshots! Below, you can find them all:
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Sniper Width0
If you feel like these are too many settings for you, worry not. You can instantly replicate SWAG’s crosshair using the code provided below.
SWAG Crosshair CodeCSGO-NoZZ2-5maHw-Ke3W5-aYaTC-YdBAA
If you feel like your viewmodel isn’t cutting it, and you’d like to replicate how a pro gamer like SWAG has done it, here you have the exact settings you can copy:
Offset X:2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z1.5
SWAG Viewmodel Configviewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2;
Now it’s time to talk about the video settings, because every single pro player out there is customizing them, and here you have how SWAG has done it.
Aspect Ratio16:9
Scaling ModeNative
Display ModeFullscreen
If the previous video settings weren’t enough, and you really want to fine tune them like SWAG did back in the day, here you have the full list of advanced video settings:
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
Wait for Vertical SyncEnabled
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode4x MSAA
Global Shadow QualityLow
Model / Texture DetailLow
Texture Filtering ModeAnisotropic 4x
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionDisabled
High Dynamic RangeLow
FidelityFX Super ResolutionQuality
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyDisabled (Highest Quality)
When you’re playing with a stretched resolution, it’s safe to say that you can throw all hopes of visual aesthetics out of the way, as the game’s graphics will look bad. As a result, electroNic uses the lowest settings for almost all of his advanced video settings for improved performance. -
Just like the HUD settings, fl0m’s radar settings are not publicly known. However, as soon as we get to know what they are, we will update this section.
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD SizeYes
Model / Texture DetailYes
Radar Map ZoomYes
Here you have the full list of peripherals that fl0m is using in CS2, to support his unique gameplay style.If you want to launch the game just like SWAG, by automatically running the autoexec.cfg file (you can add your own commands there), amongst other functions, just copy and paste the code below.Launch Options-freq 240 -novid -console +exec autoexec
Here you have the full list of peripherals that fl0m is using in CS2, to support his unique gameplay style.
MouseRazer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
KeyboardWooting two HE
HeadsetSennheiser HD 600
In-EarsSteelSeries Artics Nova Pro
MousepadLogitech G640 Original
Here you have the full list of peripherals that fl0m is using in CS2, to support his unique gameplay style.
Hud Scale0.95