NAF CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
He is known within the community as a sloth. If you want to anchor sites like NAF, here are all of his professional CS2 settings and gear!
NameKeith Markovic
TeamTeam Liquid
BirthdayNovember 24, 1997
Keith “NAF” Markovic is a professional Counter-Strike player from Canada. He is currently a rifler for the prestigious North American organization Team Liquid. NAF is known to be cool, calm, and collected.
Like most riflers, NAF is using a relatively low effective DPI of 604, which comes from his 800 mouse DPI and 0.755 mouse sensitivity. Rifle players generally want low sensitivity so they can be more precise with their mouse movements. However, one interesting thing about NAF is his zoom sensitivity of 0.80, as you’ll see him pick up the AWP from time to time.
Effective DPI (eDPI)604
Zoom Sensitivity0.80
Windows Sensitivity6
Up next, we’re going to take a quick look at NAF’s crosshair, which is another important tool used to become a very effective rifler. Here are the crosshair settings that help NAF become such a good player.
StyleClassic Static
Sniper Width0
Overall, NAF is using a very small crosshair with thin likes and a length value of only 1. However, he is playing with a decently-sized crosshair gap considering how thin his lines are. This crosshair is pretty hard to focus on due to its size, but the green color helps you see it better.NAF Crosshair Code (Copy & Paste)CSGO-sS7Pm-Zqk4S-nh98s-QX4Xs-twuWK -
The next set of settings we’re going to take a look at is the viewmodel NAF is using. Copying NAF’s viewmodel will help you see your screen more effectively when playing.
For advanced video settings, kennyS makes some notable adjustments:-
Global Shadow QualityLow
Model/Texture DetailMedium
Texture Filtering ModeTrilinear
Shader DetailLow
Multisampling Anti-AliasingNone
Boost Player Contrast:Enabled
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyEnabled + Boost
High Dynamic RangeQuality
Particle DetailLow
Maximum FPS In Game400
When playing 4:3 stretched, your game’s graphics will look terrible already. NAF is aware of that, and decided to tone down almost all of his advanced video settings, allowing him to play with maximum FPS. -
Finally, if you’re a real NAFFER, you might want to consider copying his gaming peripherals as well.
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
MouseRazer Viper V3 Pro Black
KeyboardWooting 80HE Black
HeadsetHyperX Cloud II
MousepadSteelSeries QcK Heavy
If you’re looking to keep it simple and try a standard viewmodel like NAF’s, go ahead and copy his viewmodel using the following console commands.NAF (Copy & Paste)viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2;
The first group of video settings we’ll take a look at includes NAF’s resolution and aspect ratio, which are the two most important settings in this category.
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
Similar to a high percentage of professional players, NAF is using the famous 4:3 aspect ratio paired with the 1280×960 resolution. This means he is playing on a stretched resolution, which makes player models appear wider, making it easier to hit some crisp headshots. -
The last set of settings we’ll cover is NAF’s radar settings, which is crucial to becoming aware of surroundings in the middle of rounds.
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size1.13
Radar Map Zoom0.25
It is worth noting that NAF’s radar map zoom is set to 0.25, meaning his map is extremely zoomed out. This allows him to see more of the map at any given time. -