juanflatroo CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
Flatron “juanflatroo” Halimi is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player Kosovo, currently under Into The Breach as a primary rifler. However, juanflatroo made a name for himself when he played under Bad News Eagles.
NameFlatron Halimi
TeamInto The Breach
BirthdayMarch 18, 1997
Aside from being a fierce rifler, juanflatroo is known to be a very energetic person. If you idolize juanflatroo and want to play like him, here are his CS2 settings and peripherals.
Though you might see juanflatroo as an easygoing guy, he’s fierce on the server with his rifling skills. Here are the mouse settings he uses.
Mouse Sensitivity2.3
Effective DPI (eDPI)920
Zoom Sensitivity1.00
Windows Sensitivity6
Juan is using a mouse DPI of 400, which is on the lower side, but he makes up for it with a mouse sensitivity of 2.3, meaning his effective DPI is all the way up to 920. Generally, this eDPI value is slightly higher than the average eDPI used by pros, but it’s nothing too crazy. -
The next set of settings will also help you improve your gameplay. Having a good viewmodel is essential to seeing your screen properly, so let’s see what viewmodel juanflatroo is using:
Field of View (FOV)68
Offset X2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z-1.5
juanflatroo Viewmodel Config (Copy and Paste)viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2; -
Aside from mouse settings, another crucial set of settings to copy from juanflatroo is his crosshair settings. Here are the crosshair settings juanflatroo uses:
StyleClassic Static
Alpha Value200
T StyleNo
Weapon GapNo
Sniper Width0
Juanflatroo is using a medium-sized crosshair with a crosshair length value of 2, but he makes it appear smaller with a thickness of 0. Additionally, a crosshair gap of -3 shrinks his crosshair even more. Overall, he is using a pretty simple and standard green-colored crosshair to play CS2.
You can copy juanflatroo’s crosshair immediately by using the code below:juanflatroo Crosshair Code (Copy and Paste)CSGO-Z6Hz8-HYoHS-ZQHKA-yeeeE-wBjLJ -
The first set of video settings we’ll cover includes his primary video settings, which contain his resolution and aspect ratio:
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
If you’re interested, here are the advanced video settings juanflatroo uses to play CS2. Feel free to copy them:
Enable Player ContrastEnabled
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyUnknown
NVIDIA G-SyncUnknown
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing ModeNone
Global Shadow QualityHigh
Dynamic ShadowsUnknown
Model / Texture DetailLow
Texture Filtering ModeBilinear
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionUnknown
High Dynamic RangeQuality
FidelityFX Super ResolutionDisabled (Highest Quality)
The HUD is a useful tool that displays live information such as your current health bar and ammo count. A good HUD can help you make better decisions:
HUD Scale0.85
HUD ColorGreen
Juanflatroo has great map awareness, allowing him to move around the map tactically. Here are the radar settings that allow him to do that:
Radar Centers The PlayerYes
Radar Is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size1.15
Radar Map Zoom0.25
Now that we’ve gone over all the CS2 settings juanflatroo uses, we can conclude the article by taking a look at his peripherals.
MonitorZOWIE XL2546K
KeyboardLogitech G715
HeadsetHyperX Cloud II Wireless
MousepadArtisan Ninja FX Zero XSoft