Jabbi CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
He became a top-tier rifler in a short time span. Here is a complete overview of jabbi’s professional CS2 settings and peripherals.
NameJakob Nygaard
BirthdayJuly 23, 2003
Jakob “jabbi” Nygaard is a professional Counter-Strike player from Denmark. He is currently a rifler for the legendary organization Astralis. However, he was most known for his stint at Heroic.
From essentially being a no-named player, jabbi could prove his rifling skills to the world in a short time and become one of the best in the world. If you would like to improve at jabbi’s pace, consider copying his mouse settings and see how it goes.
Effective DPI (eDPI)720
Zoom Sensitivity1
Windows Sensitivity6
Jabbi is using a mouse DPI of 800 and an in-game sensitivity of 0.9, totaling his effective DPI to be at 720. Overall, there’s nothing too crazy about this eDPI, as it falls around the average when compared to professional Counter-Strike players. Most prominent riflers play on lower eDPI than jabbi, but his works just fine. -
On top of mouse sensitivity, it is also crucial to know what crosshair settings jabbi is using if you’d like to shoot your rifle like him. Here are all the crosshair settings jabbi uses to get those frags.
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Sniper Width0
Jabbi is using a pretty standard crosshair for most young professional players, which involves a small, green colored crosshair. His crosshair consists of short lines with 1.1 length and 0.9 thickness, and his crosshair gap is extra small at -3.9. Overall, a very good crosshair for players with a high headshot percentage.
If you’d like to give jabbi’s Counter-Strike crosshair a spin, feel free to import his crosshair using the code below.
Jabbi CS2 Crosshair (Copy & Paste)CSGO-2iS5N-77Zdo-UjdRV-vPshA-ZbmbN
Another important set of settings to consider is jabbi’s viewmodel, which will help you maximize your vision in the game. Here are his viewmodel settings below.
Offset X2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z1.5
It is very safe to say that jabbi is using a standard viewmodel, as he is utilizing the most commonly-used viewmodel settings in the professional scene. He has chosen to stick with a FOV value of 68, which is the maximum, and the viewmodel offsets he uses are very popular among professional players.
If you are looking to transition to a safe and easy viewmodel, you can copy jabbi’s viewmodel settings using the console commands below.
Jabbi CS2 Viewmodel Copy & Pasteviewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2;
Now that most of the important settings are out of the way, let’s check out jabbi’s video settings.
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
Like most professional players, jabbi is using a resolution of 1280×960 and an aspect ratio of 4:3, meaning he is running a stretched scaling mode which is extremely common. Playing on stretched allows player models on his screen to appear wider, making it easier to land headshots and be more precise. -
Next, let’s take a quick look at the advanced video settings jabbi uses, though these settings aren’t too necessary to copy 1 to 1.
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyEnabled
NVIDIA G-SyncUnknown
Maximum FPS In Game400
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing ModeNone
Global Shadow QualityLow
Dynamic ShadowsUnknown
Model / Texture DetailLow
Texture Filtering ModeBilinear
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionHigh
High Dynamic RangeQuality
FidelityFX Super ResolutionUnknown
Overall, jabbi has chosen to tone down most of his video settings, as playing on stretched essentially means you are giving up on your game having good visuals. As a result, he is playing on low settings to maximize his performance in the game. -
Though aiming is important, map awareness is another crucial factor everyone must practice. You can develop good map awareness by having good radar settings like jabbi does.
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size1
Radar Map Zoom0.49
Jabbi is using very standard radar settings, with all three options set to “Yes”. His radar minimap zoom is also relatively normal, set at 0.49. -
Here you can take a look at the current peripherals that Isak is using to compete in the professional scene of CS2:
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
KeyboardLogitech G Pro X TKL Keyboard Magenta
HeadsetRazer BlackShark V2 Pro Black
MousepadLogitech G740
We can see that he has primarily selected Logitech and ZOWIE gaming gear for his most important peripherals, so maybe you should consider these brands too! -