dycha CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
If you want to become a reliable rifler like dycha, here are all of his CS2 settings and peripherals!
NamePaweł Dycha
BirthdayAugust 11, 1996
Paweł “dycha” Dycha is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Poland, currently playing for Monte as a rifler. However, dycha put his name on the map while he was playing for ENCE, where he won several tournaments and made numerous deep runs under the leadership of Snappi.
At his peak, dycha was rivaling the best riflers in the world, which is no easy task. Here are the mouse settings he uses to play CS2:
Effective DPI (eDPI)744
Zoom Sensitivity1
Windows Sensitivity6
Dycha is using a low mouse DPI of 400, but increased its effective value with a mouse sensitivity of 1.86. This totals his effective DPI value to 744, which is definitely close to the general average of professional Counter-Strike players. -
Copying his mouse settings probably won’t be enough for you to play like him, so let’s check out the crosshair settings dycha is using:
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Alpha Value255
T StyleNo
Deployed Weapon GapNo
Sniper Width0
Overall, dycha is using a pretty small crosshair with a length value of 1.5, paired up with a thickness of 1. His crosshair gap isn’t too big either, as he has set it to -3. Most professional riflers prefer playing with small crosshairs for accuracy purposes, and dycha is no different.
You can try out dycha’s crosshair by copying the crosshair code below:dycha Crosshair (Copy & Paste)CSGO-NoZZ2-5maHw-Ke3W5-aYaTC-YdBAA
Here you have brax’s viewmodel settings. Although he used this configuration for CS:GO, you can use it for CS2 as well without problems:
Offset X2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z-1.5
Dycha is using the most popular viewmodel in the professional scene, which features an FOV value of 68, which is the highest. He is also using the exact same viewmodel offset settings that most pro players use.
You can try out dycha’s viewmodel immediately by copying the following viewmodel commands below:Dycha Viewmodel (Copy & Paste)viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2;
The first set of video settings will uncover dycha’s resolution and aspect ratio, which are two of the most important video settings in the game:
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeBlack Bars
Display ModeFullscreen
Like most professional players, dycha is suing the 1280×960 resolution paired with a 4:3 aspect ratio. However, instead of playing on a stretched scaling mode like everyone else, dycha is using black bars, which is very rare in the pro scene nowadays. Additionally, he has turned down his brightness to 81%. -
Though they aren’t too necessary to copy, take a look at the advanced video settings dycha uses:
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyUnknown
NVIDIA G-SyncUnknown
Maximum FPS In GameUnknown
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode2x MSAA
Global Shadow QualityHigh
Dynamic ShadowsUnknown
Model / Texture DetailLow
Texture Filtering ModeBilinear
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionDisabled
High Dynamic RangePerformance
FidelityFX Super ResolutionDisabled (Highest Quality)
Similar to most professionals playing on a 4:3 aspect ratio, dycha has decided to lower down almost all of his advanced video settings, prioritizing functionality and performance over some graphics. -
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size0.8
Radar Map Zoom0.63
Fine-tuned for maximum effectiveness, brax’s radar settings played an important role for situational awareness. Here you have his full list of radar settings also available for CS2: -
It is clear to see that dycha has two favorite gaming brands, as all of his peripherals come from ZOWIE and Logitech:
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
KeyboardLogitech G Pro X TKL Keyboard
HeadsetLogitech G PRO X 2 Headset
MousepadZOWIE G-SR-SE Gris