Device CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
Nicolai “device” Reedtz is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Denmark, currently under Astralis. He is one of the most successful players in the world with four Major titles under his belt. The Dane is also known as “Mr. Consistent” for his impeccable AWPing skills and ability to step up in big games. Here is everything you need to know about his Counter-Strike settings and peripherals!
BirthdaySeptember 8, 1998
Nicolai “device” Reedtz is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Denmark, currently under Astralis
The “Danish Tom Cruise” is known to be one of the most reliable AWPers in the world, and his mouse settings definitely have something to do with that.
Effective DPI (eDPI)960
Zoom Sensitivity1.00
Windows Sensitivity6
Overall, device is using a relatively high mouse sensitivity when compared to other professionals in the space, which makes sense as AWPers need to land fast flicks from time to time. -
Though device’s primary role is playing the AWP, he also plays a mean AK-47, which is attributed to his crosshair.
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Sniper Width0
You can copy device’s crosshair immediately using the code below.Crosshair CodeCSGO-vcRFA-QjQB2-8VpRR-xpUFt-JTDND -
The next group of settings we’ll uncover is device’s viewmodel settings, which are crucial for seeing the game properly.
Offset X:2.5
Offset Y0
Offset Z1.5
You can easily copy these settings by copying and pasting the code below:device View Model Configviewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2; -
Now that device’s gameplay settings are out of the way, let’s take a look at all of his video settings.
Aspect Ratio4:3
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
Advanced video settings significantly impact gameplay by affecting visual quality and performance. Stewie2k’s settings are optimized to balance these factors, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing experience without compromising performance:
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
Wait for Vertical SyncEnabled
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode2x MSAA
Global Shadow QualityMedium
Model / Texture DetailMedium
Texture Filtering ModeBilinear
Shader DetailLow
Particle DetailLow
Ambient OcclusionDisabled
High Dynamic RangeMedium
FidelityFX Super ResolutionQuality
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyDisabled (Highest Quality)
Overall, donk has chosen to tone down almost all of his advanced video settings to get as much performance as possible. At the highest level, you will need every frame you can get. The only option set to high is the Global Shadow Quality, as seeing an enemy player’s shadow can significantly assist Donk in a gunfight. -
The radar is arguably the most important tool for information gathering, as you will take a look at it dozens of times every round. Let’s ensure your radar settings are all good with device’s settings.
Radar Centers PlayerYes
Radar is RotatingYes
Toggle Shape With ScoreboardYes
Radar HUD Size1
Model / Texture DetailMedium
Radar Map Zoom0.7
The radar is arguably the most important tool for information gathering, as you will take a look at it dozens of times every round. Let’s ensure your radar settings are all good with device’s settings.
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
MouseLogitech G Pro X Superlight Black
KeyboardRazer Huntsman V3 Pro TKL Black
HeadsetLogitech G Pro X 2 Headset White
In-EarsKZ ZS10 Pro
Mousepad:Logitech G740
Launch OptionsLaunch Options (Copy and Paste)-console -novid -freq 360 -tickrate 128 -w 1280 -h 960 +exec config.cfg +clientport 27022