bLitz CS2 Settings: Full Config, Crosshair & Peripherals
Byambasuren “bLitz” Garidmagnai is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Mongolia, currently acting as the in-game leader and rifler for The MongolZ. Though he hasn’t shown too much of his personality to the CS2 community, he is regarded as one of the best fragging in-game leaders in the Tier 1 scene. If you want to make calls and frag out at the same time, consider copying bLitz’s CS2 settings and peripherals here.
NameByambasuren Garidmagnai
TeamThe Mongolz
BirthdayJune 26, 2001
Bringing firepower to the team while calling strats is no easy task, so let’s see the mouse settings bLitz uses to be such an effective fragger.
Effective DPI (eDPI)600
Zoom Sensitivity1
Windows Sensitivity6
bLitz is using a mouse DPI value of 400, and has decided to increase it with a mouse sensitivity of 1.5, which totals his effective DPI value to 600. Though riflers tend to play on low eDPI, 600 is definitely on the lower side when compared to other professional players, but it still works out for bLitz. -
Aside from proper mouse settings, it is also essential for rifle players to have a well-crafted crosshair. Let’s see what crosshair settings bLitz is using to play CS2.
StyleClassic Static
Follow RecoilNo
Sniper Width1
bLitz is using a relatively large crosshair in professional terms, as he has chosen a crosshair length value of 2. However, he has shrunk it with a thickness value of 0 and a gap of -3. Additionally, he is using green as his crosshair color of choice.Copy & PasteCSGO-ZcTHa-NOG87-SdU3h-vFe8e-xvSyL -
Though most of his settings have been pretty standard so far, you’ll be surprised to see the viewmodel settings bLitz uses.
Offset X1
Offset Y1
Offset Z-1
Unlike most professional players, bLitz is using a very low FOV value of 60, while most prefer the maximum of 68. He is also using different viewmodel offset settings, which go against the norm. Though bLitz’s viewmodel is definitely unique, it seems to be working just fine for himself.Copy & Pasteviewmodel_fov 60; viewmodel_offset_x 1; viewmodel_offset_y 1; viewmodel_offset_z -1; viewmodel_presetpos 1; -
The first set of video settings includes bLitz’s resolution and aspect ratio, which are two of the most important video settings to check out.
Aspect Ratio5:4
Scaling ModeStretched
Display ModeFullscreen
Carrying on with weird settings, bLitz is using the 1280x1024 resolution, which is paired up with an uncommon aspect ratio of 5:4. However, he is still playing on a stretched scaling mode, which is very common to see. -
If you’ve never played Counter-Strike on a 5:4 aspect ratio, and want to try it out, you might as well go all the way and copy bLitz’s advanced video settings.
Boost Player ContrastEnabled
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyEnabled
NVIDIA G-SyncUnknown
Maximum FPS In Game400
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode4x MSAA
Global Shadow QualityHigh
Dynamic ShadowsUnknown
Model / Texture DetailMedium
Texture Filtering ModeAnisotropic 4x
Shader DetailHigh
Particle DetailMedium
Ambient OcclusionHigh
High Dynamic RangeQuality
FidelityFX Super ResolutionDisabled (Highest Quality)
Overall, bLitz definitely has some very mixed video settings. Some of them are set to the minimum, while others are set to the maximum. Most of the time, players either choose high settings or low settings overall, but it seems bLitz has really thought about each of his advanced video settings. -
Finally, we’re going to take a look at the peripherals and gaming gear bLitz uses to play CS2.
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
MouseLogitech G Pro X Superlight
KeyboardRazer Huntsman V3 Pro TKL
HeadsetHyperX Cloud II
MousepadZOWIE G-SR-SE Bi
We can see that bLitz has tried out a handful of different gaming brands, as he is using a different brand for almost all of his peripherals. -