CS2 & CS:GO Autobuy Command
The auto buy command in CSGO and CS2 is a command that players use to immediately buy a set of weaponry, armor, and utility. What the auto buy command purchases from the buy menu can be customized by each player.
After setting up the auto buy purchase order, players can press the “F3” button, and the game will automatically purchase the weapons list in order. If players do not have enough funds to buy the entire list, the game will buy as much as possible until the player will have no more money to continue.
The auto buy command is very helpful for players who are too lazy to count how much money they have, so the game can help them purchase what they can with one press of a button.
How To Set Up Auto Buy CSGO Command
Players can enter as many weapons as they desire to the auto buy command. The game will purchase the weapons in order of how they have been listed in the command.
Here is a reference of how a proper auto buy CSGO command should look like for a full buy round:
cl_autobuy vesthelm vest m4a1 ak47 m4a4 famas galilar smokegrenade flashbang defuser hegrenade incgrenade molotov |
You can always tweak the command to perform a different order purchase, the command above is just an example.
If the player does not have enough money for a weapon, the game will buy the next alternative available. For example, in the reference command provided above, if the player does not have enough money for the AK-47, the next best option, the Galil AR, will be the one purchased.
The game will also start purchasing grenades in order, so if the player runs out of money in the middle of the list, the remaining grenades will not be purchased.
How To Set Up Auto Buy Commands For Different Situations
Usually, the auto buy command is set for full-buy situations, where players are looking to upgrade to the best weaponry possible. However, players can also set up specific buy binds for varying purchases, such as an eco round, force buy, or anti-eco scenario.
For these binds, you will not use the auto buy button, which is set to “F3”. You must set individual binds for each of the new buy scenarios.
Here are a few examples of how these different buys could look like:
Full Buy Auto Buy Command Examples
Type of Purchase | Weaponry Purchased | Buy Command |
AK-47 Full Buy | AK-47 + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Molotov + Flashbang + HE Grenade | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy ak47; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade;” |
M4A1-S/M4A4 Full Buy (Make sure you only have one of them equipped) | M4A1/M4A4 + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Molotov + Flashbang + HE Grenade + Defuse Kit | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy m4a1_silencer; buy m4a1; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade; buy defuser;” |
AWP Full Buy | AWP + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Flashbang + Molotov + HE Grenade + Desert Eagle + Defuse Kit | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy awp; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy hegrenade; buy deagle; buy defuser;” |
Eco Round Auto Buy Command Examples
Type of Purchase | Weaponry Purchased | Buy Command |
Desert Eagle Eco | Desert Eagle + Smoke Grenade | bind “N” “buy smokegrenade; buy deagle;” |
Tec-9 or Five-SeveN Eco | Tec-9/Five-SeveN + Smoke Grenade (Works for T and CT side) | bind “N” “buy smokegrenade; buy fiveseven; buy tec9;” |
Very Light Eco | P250 + Flashbang | bind “N” “buy flashbang; buy p250;” |
Force Buy Round Auto Buy Command Examples
Type of Purchase | Weaponry Purchased | Buy Command |
Desert Eagle Full Armor | Full Armor + Desert Eagle + Flashbang | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy deagle; buy flashbang;” |
SMG Force Buy, No Helmet | MP9/MAC-10 + Kevlar Vest + Flashbang | bind “N” “buy vest; buy deagle; buy flashbang;” |
Tec-9/Five-SeveN Full Armor | Tec-9/Five-SeveN + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Flashbang + Defuse Kit | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy tec9; buy fiveseven; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang; buy defuser;” |
Anti-Eco Round Buy Command Examples
Type of Purchase | Weaponry Purchased | Buy Command |
SMG Full Buy | MP9/MAC-10 + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Flashbang + Molotov/Incendiary | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy mac10; buy mp9; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang; buy molotov; buy incgrenade;” |
FAMAS/Galil Anti-Eco | FAMAS/Galil AR + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Flashbang | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy famas; buy galilar; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang;” |
SSG 08 Ant-Eco | SSG 08 + Kevlar Vest + Helmet + Smoke + Flashbang | bind “N” “buy vesthelm; buy ssg08; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang;” |
Feel free to pick any of the buy lists and customize them for yourself. The “N” button is just an example and can be changed to any other key you want.