Network Commands

Here are the network console commands available to CS:GO and CS2. This category of commands allow you to pull in your network statistics, as well as creating the optimum matchmaking max ping for your gameplay.

This fun command will control how many degrees from the eye level, you can move the camera. This means you can edit this command which will allow you to look under effectively while looking through your own characters legs at what is behind you.
The degrees in which you want to look down. The default value for this is 89.
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This command will replicate packet loss.
50% will cause 50% packet loss.
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The console command can be used to override the IP if you are playing on a server that has multiple hosts. This will now show your IP in console; to do that use the command status.
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<Port ID>
This is a command used to connect to a server directly.and can be useful in a LAN environments when multiple computers are operating from the same IP adresss.
Port ID
The ID of the server that you want to connect to.
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<Backup File>
Once invited to a friend's session, you can use this console command which will accept the invite and leave your current session you are currently in.
Backup File
The name of the backup file you wish to restore back to the game. Find the backup file name with mp_backup_restore_list_files. You need to include the .txt file extension.
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<Backup File>
The port in which your server will run on. It is always recommended if you leave it at default which is 27015.
Backup File
The name of the backup file you wish to restore back to the game. Find the backup file name with mp_backup_restore_list_files. You need to include the .txt file extension.
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This command will set the maximum packet size for the client to receive before its split.
The maximum packet size before it gets split. Default is 1200.
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<0 / 1>
This enables a new client clock that will allow for margins improving network performances in CS2.
0 / 1
0 to disable 1 to enable.
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<Rate (Bytes/s)>
This command will allow you to set the rate, which the client will receive network data which is in bytes. Setting this to a lower value will help if you have a poor internet connection.
Rate (Bytes/s)
The number of bytes in seconds of the network rate.
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<0 / 1>
If you are streaming on Twitch or Kick, you can hide your server's IP address in the console with this command. In particular, this command protects you from DDOS attacks.
0 / 1
1 to enable, 0 to disable.
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<0 / 1>
In CS:GO and CS2, cl_interpolate controls whether interpolation is enabled. In this context, interpolation smoothes out player movements between server updates, giving a more fluid visual feel, especially during fast moves.
0 / 1
0-Not able to interpolate
1-Able to interpolate (Default)
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<Wait Time>
The cl_resend CSGO ping command isn’t directly related with your ping, but is used to restore connection to CS2 servers, hopefully resulting in a better connection and giving lower ping.
Wait Time
By setting the value to 10, the game will try to reconnect players every 10 seconds every time it fails. You can input a number between 1.5 and 20.
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The rate at which new updates are rendered relative to the current screen refresh cycle on the client side is determined via the cl_interp command
One number between 0 and 0.5 represents the delays caused by interpolations measured in seconds. The value defaults to 0.03125 seconds (31.25 milliseconds).
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<Max Ping >
The mm_dedicated_search_maxping is a CSGO max ping console command that allows you to set the maximum ping you prefer when playing on official Valve servers. 
Max Ping
Players can set their maximum ping as low as they want, such as 10 or 15 ping. The default is 150. It is not advised to set your maximum ping to less than 20. 
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<IP address:port>
This command will allow you to set the IP addresses and port number, allowing for a remote host.
IP address:port
Enter the IP address and the port number that you wish to use in the format of IP:Port
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It will automatically generate a fake lag spike in the game.
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<Lag Compensation>
As its name suggests, the cl_lagcompensation command compensates for server lag.
Lag Compensation
A value which will dictate the lag compensation. 1 is default.
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<Packets per second>
It is a command that  allows you to adjust how frequently the game updates itself and shares that data with the server (tickrate). This data covers everything from shooting bullets and jumping off buildings to throwing grenades and tracking player and object positions in CS:GO.
Packets per second
The number of packets per second that can be received from the server.
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The net_fakelag command can help you, because as its name clearly suggests, it will allow you to fake lag, and this has clear advantages such as improving aimfeel and performance on a bad internet connection.
The amount of lag in Milliseconds that it will fake lag. 4000 = 4000 Milliseconds.
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It is a command that allows you to determine what you will download from a server or match. It’s an effective way to customize your gameplay experience by limiting heavy advertising on IDLE  and community servers, or simply decluttering your computer from useless sounds and files.
nosounds: It won’t allow sounds to be downloaded
mapsonly: It will only download the map files
none: It won’t download any files
all: It will download all the files
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Counter-Strike is a game that is best played online, where you can go against other real humans. However, the downside is that not everyone lives near you, as players can be scattered all around the world, in different countries. The distance makes it impossible for everyone to play a game of Counter-Strike in perfect ping, unless they are all in the same country or location.

Having a good network is incredibly important for Counter-Strike as rounds in the game can be determined by a mere millisecond, as a little bit of delay could make the enemy blow your head up just before you are about to. To ensure you have the best network connection possible to play Counter-Strike, here are some useful network commands you should try using.

Important Network Commands You Need to Know About

As promised in the introduction of this piece, we are going to hook you up with the most important CS2 network commands that are going to help you get the best out of your network. For more information about this topic, check out the commands below.

mm_dedicated_search_maxping 40

This network command is related to setting a maximum cap on the ping you can get in your matchmaking games. By setting the maximum ping to 40, you are telling the game to only put you in a match where the server gives you a maximum of 40 ping.

Setting the ping value to lower amounts is definitely recommended, somewhere in the range of 20 to 30, but this might make queue times longer if you are in a party with a friend who is living in another country. We believe setting it to 40 is the sweet spot, but you might have to increase it to 100 if your friend is far away.

cl_cmdrate 128

This network command will change your game’s default tick rate from 64, which is the default, to 128. Playing on a higher tick rate is recommended, as the game will feel more responsive and much smoother. However, this command will not work in online matches in Valve servers, and will only work in offline and private ones.

cl_updaterate 128

This command changes the update rate of your game from 64, which is the default, to 128. A higher update rate allows your game to update packets at a much faster pace, allowing the game to feel much smoother. However, you must have at least decent internet and download speed to feel the change.

cl_interp 0

This command changes the interpolation rate to 0, which essentially makes the game look more accurate and precise in terms of player movements. Using this command will help your game appear smoother and seamless.

cl_interp_ratio 1

This command is a follow-up command to the cl_interp 0 command, and is essentially used to set the ratio between interpolation commands. This command will help the previous one more effectively.

rate 786432

This rate command is quite a tricky one, as the value we recommend inputting depends on your internet speed. Setting your rate higher means more bytes will be processed every time you play the game, which would make the game feel smoother.


However, this command is entirely based on your internet speed, and setting the rate to a higher amount than your internet can handle will do the opposite and make your game feel worse. Refer to the table below to identify what rate you should be using depending on your network bandwidth.

Bandwidth Recommended Rate
0.5 Mbps 65536
1 Mbps 131072
1.5 Mbps 196608 (Default rate)
2 Mbps 262144
4 Mbps 524288
6 Mbps and above 786432 (Maximum rate possible)


With this table in mind, you can already make use of the maximum rate by having an internet speed of 6 Mbps and above, which isn’t too demanding in most countries. However, be careful of speed fluctuations – if you are barely getting 6 Mbps, you might want to consider the previous option. Getting 10Mbps or more should be extremely safe to use the maximum rate.

cl_lagcompensation 1

The lag compensation command is a great one to use if you have a poor internet connection and tend to lag out a lot. Using this command will give lag compensation, which could make the gameplay experience for players with poor network a little bit better and slightly more playable.

cl_predictweapons 1

This is another command for players who tend to lag, as it will allow players to see the predicted effects of rifles and other weapon shots when they are lagging, which will allow the game to be more playable while lagging.

cl_predict 1

This is a follow-up command to the previous predict weapons command, but is more focused on predicting the movement of players while lagging.

cl_resend 10

This network command comes in handy when you are facing the “Connecting to CSGO network” issue, as it is used to resend reconnect requests to the server. The value we displayed is 10, which means the game will try to reconnect you to the server every 10 seconds.