Fog Commands

Fog Commands are console commands used to set you map fog settings, and are quite essential when playing Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

This command will force bots to only use SMGs
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Used similarly to the fog_override_end command, it determines at which point the fog starts appearing in relation to the player’s position. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_start ”.
The distance in the game units at which the fog will start to affect your visability.
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<Density value>
The command determines the maximum density value of fog in the current session. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_max_density ”.
Density value
Use this command to set the density of the Fog override max density.
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This command serves as the slider for the fog’s overall brightness under the override setting. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_exponent ”.
This will set the intensity and brightness of the fog in the game. Inputting a lower number will mean the fog is less visible, a higher value makes the fog more visible.
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<End Distance>
This command determines whether or not the usage of fog_override on a certain map is enabled or disabled. If you wish to enable this setting, the command is typed “fog_override_enable 1”. To disable the override settings, the command is written “fog_override_enable 0”.
End Distance
The distance of the fog when it becomes non-transparent.
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<0 / 1>
This command determines whether or not the usage of fog_override on a certain map is enabled or disabled. If you wish to enable this setting, the command is typed “fog_override_enable 1”. To disable the override settings, the command is written “fog_override_enable 0”.
0 / 1
This command input enables or disables the fog override.
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<Red> <Green> <Blue>
Using the same mechanics as the other color-related commands, this is used to set a custom fog color override. The command is typed in the color as “fog_override_color ”. This command will allow the user to set a custom fog color.
The red color value.
The green color value.
The blue color value.
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This command is exclusive to CS:GO and has not been implemented in CS2. By typing “fogui” in the console, it will enable the fog control GUI for the user. Since Global Offensive is no longer accessible, it is also no longer usable.
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The same concept as any of the skybox commands and the fog_start command, this affects how far the skybox starts to render relative to the player’s position. The command is typed in the console as “fog_startskybox ”.
The distance from the player at which the skybox starts.
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Mainly used in connection with the fog_end command, this affects the distance which the fog will start to render based on the player’s position on the map. The command is typed in the console as “fog_start ”.
This is the distance from your player when the fog will start.
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<0 / 1>
Some maps’ settings do not allow the fog to be enabled even with the fog_enable command due to how it is built. With this, the fog_override command exists to ignore those settings and allow the player to create fog. If you wish to override the default fog settings, the command is typed “fog_override 1”. To disable the override settings, the command is written “fog_override 0”.
0 / 1
Input (0) is default and will not override the current map's fog settings. Input 1 to over the map's fog settings.
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This command affects only the density of the fog while looking upwards at the sky. The same values used by the HDR color scale commands are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_maxdensityskybox ”.
You can use this command to set the Density of the skybox.
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This command affects the fog’s overall density. In simpler terms, how thick or thin the fog appears on screen. The higher the value, the less visibility and vice versa. The same values used by the HDR color scale commands are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_maxdensity ”.
The maximum density of the fog. 1 makes it completely transparent, 0.5 would make it set at a 50% transparency effect.
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Like the other skybox-related commands on the list, this influences the HDR color scale of the skybox only. The same values between 0 and 1 are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox ”.
The color scale for the skybox's HDR setting.
Examples, Generator & More
This command influences the HDR color scale of the fog when enabled. The values are anywhere between 0 and 1, with each whole number representing a value of 10% upwards such as a value of 0.3 being 30% and so on. This command is typed in the console as “fog_hdrcolorscale ”.
The color scale for the HDR setting.
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This command sets how far you can see into the sky before the fog will appear.
The distance from your player at which the sky box will stop rendering. The Fog will be rendered in the distance between the value.
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Even if the name suggests otherwise, this command will not make the fog go away completely. It only affects the distance until which the fog will render based on your character’s position in the game. A higher number will make the fog extend further. The command is typed in the console as “fog_end ”.
The distance from your player at which the fog will stop being rendered for example 1000. The Fog will be rendered in the distance between the value.
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<0 / 1>
This command is used to enable or disable the skybox’s appearance and whether or not fog will also be applied to it. It is typically used with the fog_colorskybox command as it will not be of use without first enabling fog on the skybox itself. If you wish to enable fog on the skybox, the command is typed “fog_enableskybox 1”. To disable fog on the skybox, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enableskybox 0”.
0 / 1
Enter a 0 this will disable the fog skybox. Enter 1 to enable the fog skybox (default)
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<0 / 1>
Not to be confused with the original fog_enable command, this purely affects fog on areas of the map with water. If you wish to enable water fog, the command is typed “fog_enable_water_fog 1”. To disable water fog, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enable_water_fog 0”.
0 / 1
Enter a 0 to disable water fog. Enter 1 to enable water fog which is set by (default),
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<0 / 1>
This is the command that will mainly enable or disable fog. If you wish to enable fog, the command is typed “fog_enable 1”. To disable fog, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enable 0”. The value 1 is typically used to enable a certain command, while the value 0 is used to disable the same.
0 / 1
Enter 0 to disable the fog. Enter 1 to enable the fog which is default. To use this you will need to override to map's fog settings with fog_override 1..
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<R> <G> <B>
This command does not affect the fog itself, but the skybox the command comes with. The skybox is, as the name suggests, simply the color or design of the sky. The command is typed in the console as “fog_colorskybox ”.
The red value of your chosen color code.
The green value of your chosen color code.
The blue value of your chosen RGB color code.
Examples, Generator & More
<R> <G> <B>
As the command suggests, it changes the color of the fog when such is enabled in the game. It makes use of RGB values which, if unfamiliar, can be found through a quick search online to determine your color of choice. The command is typed in the console as “fog_color ”.
The red value of your chosen RGB color code.
The green value of your chosen RGB color code.
The blue value of your chosen RGB color code.
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In both Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Counter-Strike 2, any player can toggle the in-game developer console and make use of commands to customize their gameplay for a variety of reasons. Say you want to record amazing clips for your next great video creation and need to remove all the clutter on the screen? The draw only death notices command exists for that! Want the round to never end even after multiple hours? It’s definitely possible!

But what if it’s not just the gameplay you want to change up, but the battlefield as well? All the maps in Counter-Strike have one thing in common: they take place during neutral weather conditions. Clear skies on a hot, sunny day pretty much every single day of the year. Seeing the same kind of scenery in each competitive match can get dull, so why not spice it up a little with the /fog command?

What Are The /Fog Commands?

The different kinds of fog commands have stayed relatively the same in both CS:GO and CS2. As of March 2024, there are over 20 commands directly related to the fog or environment a player can access during their own private session.

It’s worth noting that this list will not include commands that are typically not used by players in the first place.


As the command suggests, it changes the color of the fog when such is enabled in the game. It makes use of RGB values which, if unfamiliar, can be found through a quick search online to determine your color of choice. The command is typed in the console as “fog_color <R> <G> <B>”.


This command does not affect the fog itself, but the skybox the command comes with. The skybox is, as the name suggests, simply the color or design of the sky. The command is typed in the console as “fog_colorskybox <R> <G> <B>”.


This is the command that will mainly enable or disable fog. If you wish to enable fog, the command is typed “fog_enable 1”. To disable fog, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enable 0”. The value 1 is typically used to enable a certain command, while the value 0 is used to disable the same.


Not to be confused with the original fog_enable command, this purely affects fog on areas of the map with water. If you wish to enable water fog, the command is typed “fog_enable_water_fog 1”. To disable water fog, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enable_water_fog 0”.


This command is used to enable or disable the skybox’s appearance and whether or not fog will also be applied to it. It is typically used with the fog_colorskybox command as it will not be of use without first enabling fog on the skybox itself. If you wish to enable fog on the skybox, the command is typed “fog_enableskybox 1”. To disable fog on the skybox, on the other hand, the command is “fog_enableskybox 0”.


Even if the name suggests otherwise, this command will not make the fog go away completely. It only affects the distance until which the fog will render based on your character’s position in the game. A higher number will make the fog extend further. The command is typed in the console as “fog_end <Distance>”.


Used with the fog_enableskybox command and carrying the same concept as the fog_end command, fog_endskybox affects how far you can look into the sky until fog starts to appear. The command is typed in the console as “fog_endskybox <Distance>”.


This command influences the HDR color scale of the fog when enabled. The values are anywhere between 0 and 1, with each whole number representing a value of 10% upwards such as a value of 0.3 being 30% and so on. This command is typed in the console as “fog_hdrcolorscale <Scale>”.


Like the other skybox-related commands on the list, this influences the HDR color scale of the skybox only. The same values between 0 and 1 are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox <Scale>”.


This command affects the fog’s overall density. In simpler terms, how thick or thin the fog appears on screen. The higher the value, the less visibility and vice versa. The same values used by the HDR color scale commands are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_maxdensity <Density>”.


This command affects only the density of the fog while looking upwards at the sky. The same values used by the HDR color scale commands are used. This command is typed in the console as “fog_maxdensityskybox <Density>”.


Some maps’ settings do not allow the fog to be enabled even with the fog_enable command due to how it is built. With this, the fog_override command exists to ignore those settings and allow the player to create fog. If you wish to override the default fog settings, the command is typed “fog_override 1”. To disable the override settings, the command is written “fog_override 0”.


Mainly used in connection with the fog_end command, this affects the distance which the fog will start to render based on the player’s position on the map. The command is typed in the console as “fog_start <Distance>”.


The same concept as any of the skybox commands and the fog_start command, this affects how far the skybox starts to render relative to the player’s position. The command is typed in the console as “fog_startskybox <Distance>”.

fogui (Global Offensive Exclusive)

This command is exclusive to CS:GO and has not been implemented in CS2. By typing “fogui” in the console, it will enable the fog control GUI for the user. Since Global Offensive is no longer accessible, it is also no longer usable.

fog_override_color (CS2 Exclusive)

Using the same mechanics as the other color-related commands, this is used to set a custom fog color override. The command is typed in the color as “fog_override_color <Red> <Green> <Blue>”.

fog_override_enable (CS2 Exclusive)

This command determines whether or not the usage of fog_override on a certain map is enabled or disabled. If you wish to enable this setting, the command is typed “fog_override_enable 1”. To disable the override settings, the command is written “fog_override_enable 0”.

fog_override_end (CS2 Exclusive)

This command determines at which point the fog becomes completely opaque and gives as little visibility as possible in relation to the player’s position on the map. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_end <End Distance>”.

fog_override_exponent (CS2 Exclusive)

This command serves as the slider for the fog’s overall brightness under the override setting. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_exponent <Exponent>”.

fog_override_max_density (CS2 Exclusive)

The command determines the maximum density value of fog in the current session. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_max_density <Density value>”.

fog_override_start (CS2 Exclusive)

Used similarly to the fog_override_end command, it determines at which point the fog starts appearing in relation to the player’s position. The command is typed in the console as “fog_override_start <Distance>”.

How Do You Use The Commands?

To use any command in the game, you must first access the in-game developer console which is usually bound to the ~ key on your keyboard. In the event your keyboard doesn’t have this key, you can bind the console to open upon pressing any available button you have. Since anything involving fog is considered a cheat command, there is a need to input “sv_cheats 1” on the console before each command will successfully run..

After enabling sv_cheats, simply type or copy and paste the specific command from the list to the console.

When Can You Use The Command?

The fog commands can only be used in private servers, not in official matchmaking or competitive play. It is used purely for the enjoyment of the player that enables them, since having fog in a competitive match will prove to be too much of a challenge for anyone to play the game properly.